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About obsicarius

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hacker has killed everyone on US 244 Dallas. I had hero skin and was spawned into thunderdome with everyone else, if you tried to leave game or dome you were insta killed, upon hitting escape, i was killed respawned and no longer have my hero skin. I am infuriated. Praying that admin does a rollback on this server. Note this happend between 3:45-4:00 PM EST. If pictures needed i will post
  2. obsicarius

    Banned from US230

    I was banned from US230 main hive. It said admin ban between 12:15-12:45 for scripts. Please note ive never hacked in my life and just died yesterday from a hacker on a main hive after hours of playing and i was furious. Please note that me and my friend just found a quad and then much recently a military offroad with alot of gear in it. Also note and i heard alot of people were banned for this, I was teleported twice while in my vehicles, once while i was in the quad on my way to get a tire for the military offroad, and once when i was driving the offroad to hide it. I was very mad about this, im praying the admins check this out. My name is Obsicarius and another kid was banned for this at the same time as me.