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Posts posted by BostonAdmin

  1. ***Posted 26 January 2013 - 02:36 PM

    I was running a public server but it ended up getting lots of hackers >_> & was a bit too much to constantly be watching. We did also have a private server but no1 joined it.***

    Haha striker, seems you are running a great public hive server yourself.

    I am closing my server down.

    Game is completely unplayable with hackers.

    This post, the forums and the mod should just be shutdown at this point while we wait for standalone.

    Fuck you hackers for taking a great concept of a game and breaking it since you lack skills.

    Now there are close to no east coast servers out there on private hive, only a matter of time till it all disappears.

  2. "when your ban specifically says "Hording every vehicle = DOUCHE BAG!". So its exactly on the topic of this thread & what you said" - clever you leave out Hording every vehicle + DayZNav = DOUCHE BAG! cause you were using a navigator or survival hack for sure so please cut the bull shit. Had nothing to do with wanting your noob loot or vehicles and had all to do with how you obtained them. The tent that was in the huey, which you don't remember where you obtained got placed less than an hour later in your camp and no one had placed a tent that day. You use Navigator/Survival hack, for me it is quite clear. And thus I don't want you on the server to ruin it for everyone. Maybe if you got everything legit then you would still have a camp with all the vehicles and you could horde till your lil hearts content.

    "I am not sure what made you so angered at me?" - I have no time for passive aggressive games with children. I know what tools are out there and I use them fine. I am just 2 months a head of you and don't really care cause the entire "mod" is a hackers playground on a broken engine. So trying to admin is a waste of time. Mind you, your ban was back in the beginning of December.

    "I thought we could discuss this maturely but I guess that is beyond your childish nature." - count how many times I posted my email for you to "discuss" in this topic, you clearly just want to bad mouth me with your crew of noobs, again I have no time for this.

    "As for the UAZ it sounds like your group is pretty slow moving. I have a few pointers for you. When a vehicle is located at a spawn point and you see it, you go after it. You don't dick around and watch it for a couple days to see if it magically repairs itself. Perhaps your team was a bit jealous at our speed in repairing vehicles." - if you actually read my posts which you don't cause I still haven't seen an email from you, you would know the UAZ was already repaired. I can repair a heli in under 5 mins by myself. I been playing this mod since April and I have been an Arma veteran for years, I am all set with your old information aka "pointers" Again with the passive aggressive behavior. Vehicles stashed in pine trees in the middle of no where don't disappear all that often with in 15mins. Ohh I have seen that happen in DayZ but not over and over and over. Like I said since your ban, vehicles get taken but not that fast. Pretty easy when you can see all the vehicles in the mission uh?

    "I have provided a butt ton of evidence that proves my innocence" - I see nothing actually but a vid of you being banned from my server.

    "As for being an admin, there are a lot of traceable ways for finding script changes. You're just too lazy to find them." - Like I said before Navigator/Survival hack are not traceable. It really isn't up for debate.

    "Why does this need to be locked?" - cause you are a complete waste of time and so is this post. Cause you don't want to play on my server but rather just want to make something out of nothing. You are butt hurt you got banned when you had a whole camp of noob loot going and got caught using a tool that you thought no one would detect it.

    You seem to be making fatal mistakes in your "statements" now that prove I am innocent of all guilt. - No you are still guilty in my eyes, gave you the email for the benefit of the doubt but again you just want to flame.

    "Why would we close this when I am getting you to admit your mistakes and tripping up?" - more like trying to make something out of nothing. you don't want back on the server, I think you are bull shit and nothing is going to come from this.

    "The A-team is part of your group then? Is that why I was banned?" - I am going to type this out for you one more time YOU WERE BANNED FOR NAVIGATOR/SURVIVAL HACK

    "If someone had mentioned that one of my group might be hacking I would look into it instead of rage banning the person who made the accusations." - we are a LAN team, these people play right next to me most of the time, there is nothing to check out.

    As far as my sources say, everything has not been "okay" in your server and that you still have hackers. Funny, guess it wasn't us after all" - could be you still with other accounts or like %50 of the DayZ player base. Cause the community is filled with douche bags such as yourself.

    "I suggest you just stop commenting before you put your foot in your mouth. Everyone else is calling you out bro, best stop before you get your server rights revoked" - everyone flames on DayZ no one is calling anything out. Server rights were a joke in August, shows you how noob you are.

    Thank you for your email & time. However, I will not play on servers that mistreat guests. This little post of mine must remain so others can see the corruptness of US 617" - Cool story bro, go cry some more, I have 200+ players that say different. Gladly ban one douche bag so the rest of the population can enjoy their game.

    Cool I guess we are done then, have a great life and GFYF.

    @BostonAdmin I am not sure what made you so angered at me? I have been perfectly civil in my responses towards you. I thought we could discuss this maturely but I guess that is beyond your childish nature.

    I find it pretty funny myself with your saying "stop trying to make this about hording vehicles" when your ban specifically says "Hording every vehicle = DOUCHE BAG!". So its exactly on the topic of this thread & what you said.

    As for being an admin, there are a lot of traceable ways for finding script changes. You're just too lazy to find them.

    The A-team is part of your group then? Is that why I was banned? Because I mentioned that they MIGHT be the hackers. A lot of things are becoming clear now on your motives behind my ban. I never flat out accused them of actually being the hackers only that you should take a closer look at them because some of the evidence pointed at them. If someone had mentioned that one of my group might be hacking I would look into it instead of rage banning the person who made the accusations.

    As far as my sources say, everything has not been "okay" in your server and that you still have hackers. Funny, guess it wasn't us after all.

    As for the UAZ it sounds like your group is pretty slow moving. I have a few pointers for you. When a vehicle is located at a spawn point and you see it, you go after it. You don't dick around and watch it for a couple days to see if it magically repairs itself. Perhaps your team was a bit jealous at our speed in repairing vehicles.

    Why does this need to be locked? Are there things you don't want to say anymore? You seem to be making fatal mistakes in your "statements" now that prove I am innocent of all guilt. I have provided a butt ton of evidence that proves my innocence and all you have done is say confusing statements on vehicle locations. Why would we close this when I am getting you to admit your mistakes and tripping up?

    I suggest you just stop commenting before you put your foot in your mouth. Everyone else is calling you out bro, best stop before you get your server rights revoked. :]

    Thank you for your email & time. However, I will not play on servers that mistreat guests. This little post of mine must remain so others can see the corruptness of US 617.


  3. @Admin - In all honesty it doesn't matter 2 me that much because I don't plan on playing on that server again. It very well seems like you may have hackers & I think they might be part of the A-Team clan who plays on it. However, I don't know for sure I am just saying you need to check them out closer. As for checking server files for hackers

    I do think you need to do a bit more research before banning people. I am not insulting your intelligence at all, I had no idea about a ton of things until I did lots of research for my DayZ Server. It will help you locate the real hackers more accurately and make fair bans so you don't have issues like this in the future :]

    Anyway, I do understand stopping hackers can be rather tedious. We have our issues with them as well. So definitely understand where you were coming from.

    I guess the biggest thing that made me post this was the vehicle hoarding part. Our group likes to get geared up for any situation and make a good camp. We spend countless hours looting >_> COUNTLESS HOURS lol. We like to have multiple of everything just in case one of us dies or breaks a vehicle. It makes sense that in a real world "DayZ" you or I would hoard vehicles/supplies as well. I think in the future if you want people to play on your server you should mention your own rule about vehicles. MOTD - Limit 1 vehicle per person or w/e lol. Seems silly but its your prerogative. If we had known of this rule earlier we would have never joined your server.

    Well thats that. In the mean time I wish you all good luck and here is hoping for the standalone soon!! :D Even though we probably have a few months for it yet. =(

    LOL stop trying to make this about hording vehicles, I only care if you horde if you obtained them by using survival hack.

    I been doing this for a while I may not be as good as US 303 but I know for a fact your aren't either. Survival/Navigator is not detectable so don't even bother to go on about how to admin a server.

    Pretty hilarious cause the A-Team clan is all my friends who play legit in any game on the market.

    Throwing around false claims this entire post.

    Its funny, once your group was removed from the server everything has been fine.

    No longer do people fix up a uaz and 20mins later it is gone from the far reaches of Chenarus.

    Enough of the bs, this forum topic needs to get locked cause this is a complete waste of time and effort.

    I gave you the email, if you don't want to play on the server so be it.

  4. @admin.There's a suggestion that OP uses scripts/hacks to locate gear/vehicles in your response. "Tent in the heli, b-lined straight to it (in a boat) after it was repaired" (the heli?) Sounds, almost, like you're using tools/methods that other admins wont or wouldn't?

    Nope you are wrong.



    + Arma Editor setpos

    All vanilla tools.

    But you wouldn't know about that cause you obviously didn't play Arma like I did.

    Don't make assumptions.

    And I only do this to admin the server, I take no personal gain in this.

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  5. @admin...first of all this game is about survival, every man for himself. Now...I don't know about you, but if shit ever hit the fan someday in the future you're damn straight my group and I would hoard as much as we could and you can bet that if someone steals our stuff, we are most definitely going to try and find them and get our shit back. This is zombieland bro, not f***ing candyland. Lose the ego of "I am a an admin...merrrr". Honestly dude do us a favor and drop your effing server if your just going to be a pussy about it. The rest of us can handle a little heat in a videogame, but obviously not you. You know what? Go make a Battlefield 3 server, you'll fit right in. In fact, here is a video just for you

    Everyone else reading this, keep playing your game, I'll see you on Dayz...just not this pricks server, he likes to cry.


    Only one that is crying is you cause I blew up all your vehicles, yah it's dayz.

    You like name calling a lot don't you. I let people do what ever you they want on my server.

    I didn't ban for having all the vehicles it is how they were obtained.

    And seriously if you need 5 vehicles in DayZ you are doing it wrong.

    You obviously haven't admin a DayZ server or you wouldn't be calling out names and being a douche bag.

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  6. @admin, Where exactly was this bait helicopter left? If it was on Skelisty island than that seems like fail bait, since the helicopters default spawn is there. How could you know somebody wasn't heading there to check the spawn?

    Why do you assume I would leave it on the island where I repaired it from.

    As if I bought my copy of Arma2 yesterday.

  7. Yes, we lost our stuff many times over as well. I had a group of around 4-5 guys. (Dead Dude, Trapper_J0hn, Sn33kyPanda, Doopy, Valorous Reaper, & I feel like im missing one or 2 still lol) We had around 4-5 vehicles collected + at one point we had all 3 choppers until we crashed 2 of them >_> We found those choppers at a hidden base far NE. We had used the Mi-17 to search in remote areas(which we had found at devils castle...which is the spawn area for it).

    The reason I called abuse is because I was banned for no reason. We had a large group and we worked fast. We knew the good spots to get geared up. As for the huey the only huey we got was at skalisty island + the huey we found later on, at the hidden base far NE. Our base was West of the NW Airfield. Thats where we kept our choppers & vehicles. As for the PBX I dont remember a 100% but im pretty sure we didnt have that. Unless one of my other group members recently found it.

    As for vehicle hoarding I hardly call 4-5 vehicles hoarding -. - That makes no sense to me especially when we retrieve them legitly. I made an exact list of our groups stuff above. So you banned the wrong guy. Its w/e im not holding a grudge its fine. I own my own server and sometimes ban very suspicious behavior.

    I also search in the different log files for spawners, teleporters & all the other crap out there. Some players show up in the suspicious areas that you keep a watch on but that doesnt mean they're hacking. For instance they show up if they blow something up. They didn't hack, it even says so all over the web. I did tons of research on that before just out right banning ppl. Its extremely obvious in the server files when people are changing the scripts n junk. So for me to show up in your file probably means I blew something up & I sure as hell did that night lol. So did some of my friends n yet they didn't get banned.

    Its fine if you want to keep me banned I play on a different server w/my buddies now but I wish you would look closer. I did not hack nor shall I ever. I understand the frustrations of dealing with hackers believe me, so I dont totally blame you. I just hope you trust me now.

    Like i said email me and I can remove the ban and work this out with you.

    If you do admin a server then you understand detecting hackers is a full time job and false bans happen.

  8. There was a player removing everyone's hard work and hording every single vehicle on the server.

    The name of the server has been changed by dayz dev policy.

    Let me just start this off before you call abuse. I don't want your vehicles, I don't want your gear I have more than I could ever use.

    I don't play on this server nor do I have a camp other than one tent I use to drop items in for friends.

    I repaired the huey and dropped a tent in the back of it as a test to help my server community find who has been using navigator/survival hack to locate every ones camps.

    One hour later that tent is in your camp, the huey was extremely far away from your camp. You used the pbx and made a b-line for it as soon as it was repaired. Upon arrival of your camp I find pretty much every vehicle on the server. I then put them all into one pile and used a satchel charge to make sure they would respawn for the server community again and not horded by one player that is obviously playing dodgy. I mean you took the bait hook line and sinker.

    You also flagged in my publicvar logs.

    I am pretty sure I don't want to unban you since this was months ago but just to be polite here is the email.


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