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Everything posted by bladeofred

  1. bladeofred

    Member already defined

    Every time i start dayz up from steam this pops up http://gyazo.com/1be153f93439d9667316ce7602815a2f tried just uploading the pic but it was to big ?
  2. bladeofred

    Member already defined

    Does this look right http://gyazo.com/b3bcb0b709b715a3a8547e11cdadf17b i didnt edit anything thats how i opened the folder I fixed it . THANK YOU SO MUCH i am not tech savvy so i wouldnt have fixed it without your help
  3. bladeofred

    Error starting up dayz

    Whenever i try starting dayz standalone up from steam i get this error saying something about member not defined. Below is a picture of what it says.I have googled this alot and not found anything i also reinstalled SA but nothing. http://gyazo.com/1be153f93439d9667316ce7602815a2f
  4. A:T-dog B:passed out with infinite hourglass+low on blood C:elektro fire house D:ak kobra
  5. bladeofred

    Bug need help

    so yesterday spen t all day repairing a atv drove it to solichy and it automatically flipped on a bride then i found the blue van found took 2 hours to repair start driving crash (smooth right) but only then missing or red is the RF tire ive put on 3 wheels on that 1 and it goes succsefully but doesnt get actually put on and cant drive please help
  6. A:T-Dog B:Low blood C:Kamyshovo road D:African guy Camo clothing m4a3 cco alice pack
  7. It was my first life and i was so excited to have a enfield so i started down a beach rode.I went into a gas station and shoot a zed.Little did i know the lee enfield is the worst gun ever and attracts all the zombies.I manage to escape them all and as soon as i step out from the bush looking at them walk away,I hear vrooommmm and right as i turn around i get hit by a motorcycle
  8. bladeofred

    [WANT]Tool Box

    Hi i have been searching for a toolbox all day and cant find 1.I would like to trade and idk what really would be worth it but ill start at a g17 or ak got more but ya
  9. A:Charles B:low blood passing out heart beating and the icon flashing C:On the mountain where the atvs spawn (North from Cap golva) D:African guy with camo with m911 and m4a1 cco UPDATE:Thank you SOOOO much shohu came and gave me blood and walked so far to do it.Thank you so much i would recommened you to someone that needs a medic.
  10. bladeofred

    [WANT]Tool Box

    I just wanna trade for 1 and im not traveling by vehicle and still none someone please trade me
  11. bladeofred

    [WANT]Tool Box

    Im playing on a public server and i know i sound like a noob for not finding a toolbox but really ive been looking all through the coast city and cant find 1 and the highest ill trade for 1 is a g17
  12. bladeofred

    [WANT]Tool Box

    ive tried ALL today trying factories riding from city to city on a old bike and cant find 1 and i need 1 VERY soon cuz i have a feeling the car will be taken by day
  13. Hey i was just wondering if you would be willing to trade a m4a3 cco for a m4a1 cco and mp5sd and i could get more if needed
  14. bladeofred

    Looking for teamate

    Hi im blade and new to dayz.I know how to survive but im not exactly the best tactic/strategy person and when things go bad im not exactly a good shot.I would like a new player that we could learn the game as we play and help me in hot situations :).BTW im only 14 and i dont care how old you are lol. If you would like to play with me just message or post it here.Bye and have fun in Dayz
  15. bladeofred

    NOOB question

    So i had dayz installed on another computer and i have moved it to another with dayz commander.With sixluancher i had no problem but now i join a server and right as im done seting up my char it says battleye failed to update how do i fix?
  16. bladeofred


    I have version 1.6.2 which i noticed i can only join a couple of servers and i got the game yesteryday.Every time i try to join a server it says bad version and i want to get a more recent version so i can join server so id like to know how to get version 1.6.2100269
  17. id like to join i know the basics as well but i can get the job done
  18. bladeofred


    if i was to get dayz commander would that interfere with launcher six cuz thats what i have
  19. bladeofred

    Recruiting group

    what asphyxiate
  20. bladeofred

    Recruiting group

    wait do u want to join a group or are asking people to join a group ill join you if ur recruiting