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Everything posted by Raft

  1. New to DayZ, but an ArmA veteran. If you press left shift + numpad minus - then type flush (you wont see any text written so make sure its spelt right) it flushes the texture cache. Made a big difference to me after some big fps drops. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats
  2. Raft

    [GUIDE] Newbie Survivor version 1.2.0.

    Nice article, appreciate the work. When attacked by Zeds, move backwards. Keep your finger on the back direction arrow and proscribe an arc in front of you if your tackling multiples. If one darts to side, turn to face it but always keep your finger on the back direction key, moving back. I find they tend to stop still at a certain position, giving you enough time to squeeze off accurate shots and not get hurt much. I took on 8 after firing the enfield, so they were moving fast, and didn't get hurt. also If you decide to move through an area dense with Zeds, which is easy to achieve crouch walking (in regular mode anyway), always plan an escape route and have a defendable position in mind to fall back to. Running through a building slows them so they're easier to pick off. Remember to keep moving backwards while engaging.