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Everything posted by Qu1n

  1. Scratch this thread, after a confab with my team we have decided to switch it over to a private hive with a whitelist. Running public was just too time consuming and as you said a lost battle. Such a damn shame. I loved that server too :(
  2. Qu1n

    Life lessons I have learned from DayZ

    Keep all your things in neat little piles for easy looting!
  3. >.> finding things that give you an advantage is what DayZ is about for godsake. pretty soon you'll be calling for no guns - its not fair to those who just spawned! :rolleyes:
  4. Qu1n

    No Tents Saving

    I assume that you can get to your server files then, look for one that looks like this dayz_XXX.Chernarus.pbo the XXX being your instance ID, rename this file (for backups sake... just incase!) and replace it with the one generated from the site i linked early. Server fixed. P.S! - This reverted all my tents to state, any changes made since then were not saved! Be warned. P.P.S! - Prince Harry... I Somehow don't think PH is as over weight as me, but thanks =p
  5. Qu1n

    No Tents Saving

    Try searching these forums first eh :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/122418-tents-disappear-on-server-restart/ Your server needs a new mission file generating, Contact the server admin and tell him this link will help http://www.silentspy.net/utility/dayz/mission-generator/ any questions feel free to PM me :)
  6. Qu1n

    Tents disappear on server restart

    <SNIP> Re-read your post, This is that server admins problem, He needs a new mission file generating, if you can get in contact with him tell him so :), This link should help him http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/
  7. This one is easy Stood at the top of a castle, tried to hit 'B' for my binoculars and instead hit 'V' to vault straight over the wall to my death
  8. Hi there, I was recently banned from my own server on what I can only assume is a false positive. After checking the Antihax website I found that Object Access Flooding false positives are fairly common so I checked my bans.txt and found hundreds of people have been banned from my server for this. I disabled shouldCheckForFlooding to false and removed my GUID from bans.txt, and yet when I attempted to relog to the server I was instantly banned again for the exact same thing, despite the fact it should not be checking for that at all... Any help please?
  9. Hi there, I currently admin a server from vert hosting some hacker douche has spawned a bunch of ships around the NWAF and I'm not exactly sure how to get rid of them. help? :( edit: the ships are like buildings, not vehicles.
  10. Thank god! i thought it was just me!
  11. Thanks - I ordered and have the server - it runs great thank you! :) Having a little trouble configuring BEC on your servers though.. do you guys have any tutorials anywhere? ;)
  12. Qu1n

    What if Day Z had a story?

    http://dayzmod.com/ Says it right there, in bright red on the front page... also it says; You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease. Isn't that backstory enough for a zombie game? :) *edit* Okay so it actually reads "This is DayZ. This is your story" but it's close enough!