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Everything posted by Qu1n

  1. Qu1n

    Hitmarkers, yay or nay?

    I'm sorry but why isn't *that corpse over there* enough proof you hit something?
  2. a main hive server with no hackers would be my ideal server!
  3. Qu1n

    Simply DayZ

    Custom Load-outs... Donator bases... extra vehicles ... Repair stations... Refueling stations.... There is NOTHING "Simply DayZ" about this server pal.
  4. The DayZ experience ruins peoples morals. I used to attempt to either team up with, help or ignore other players but the sheer number of times that ended up in my death has changed how I play. I no longer help people. I actively avoid them and when I can't then I will most definitely fire first. No regret, no remorse, no more senseless deaths for me.
  5. Qu1n

    T minus 15 minutes

    I'm busy otherwise I would have! Do make sure to come back and let us know how your first death Life goes!
  6. Qu1n

    It finally happened

    God i hate it when that happens.
  7. wait... Your best day in dayz includes dying multiple times and glitching out. wow you should come with us for a few dayz haha!
  8. Qu1n

    How do you take a screen shot?

    Personally I launch through steam and use it to take my screenshots =) In that case F12
  9. Qu1n


    I really really hope that was a sarcastic post. Damn you internet and your non-transition of sarcasm! :( init.
  10. I've had that happen.. always makes me chuckle.
  11. Well, You do poop out empty cans... as Rocket would say.
  12. We have experienced this too - seems to be a glitch with the patch. Happened mostly with wheels =S
  13. Qu1n

    Zombies Hearing And Vision

    Fair enough, Couldn't ask for a more honest response from a dev than that - here is your feedback Zombies in were challenging, fun and fair. They played a huge part in the overall game and were a genuine pleasure to play against regardless of gear level. Zombies in 1.7.6 are less than a minor annoyance. The AI update does not seem to have worked at all as if anything the zombies run in random directions MORE than before. They are no longer a challenge and are more annoying than entertaining. The Zeds now seem blind and deaf, to both humans and the cries of the other zeds around them (Zeds talking seems to be bugged)
  14. Qu1n

    1.7.6 Repair bug

    I'm having this problem but only with wheels
  15. Actually this does help with what i stated before about the Google problem.. I took a look at Take on Helicopters and let me tell you, even googling you will have to remember a bunch of stuff... having an on-screen guide by finding an in-game guide would be a brilliant way of doing things. Kudos.
  16. While thats not a bad idea at all there is the 'GOOGLE PROBLEM'.. I ask you, what person after finding, repairing and refueling a helicopter would then go 'Oh darn i better go look for the fuckin' manual to learn how to fly!' instead of googling it?
  17. Qu1n

    These people....

    How unfortunate for them to have connection problems!
  18. Qu1n

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Ima keep this thread going =p
  19. Beans for making me laugh!
  20. On the left - Can't unlearn all these years of driving IRL
  21. Leave it the Russians to build a sniper rifle without a scope :| but I agree that in a Russian setting we should be stuck with Russian weaponry Bring on the KSVK, from what i recall of ARMA it was a badass gun B)
  22. Hey there! I've read just about everything I can find on how to dissect the logs to catch hackers, and I've actually not been doing too badly averaging 5 or so hackers a day. However there is a particular hack that I can not seem to find at all - Players teleporting others around, Both in mass and individually - is there something specific i should be looking for to catch these people? i can see the victim moving around, but not the person causing it to happen. It's the bane of my existence at the moment causing me to bleed regular players, I have gone from an average of 30-40 people a night to less than 15 - are there any experienced admins out there who can help a new(ish) admin out? :) Thanks in advance!