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Everything posted by Qu1n

  1. I do this when looting bodies my sniper buddy has shot, Set my backpack and gun down - Run out to the corpse, pick up the gun and backpack then sprint back. I'm always worried that the server will restart but it's a calculated risk.. I'm not going to die without my pack I can always replace whatever was in there. Im hoping that loot will start spawning without a server restart so we can leave these annoying 4hr restart timers behind, a warning message for them would be a welcome change too
  2. Qu1n

    Little info about NO PVP servers

    deserved for trying to play on a PVE server for "peace". This is DayZ not some single player game.
  3. This all looks very promising and you have my beanz but Dead character cleanup performed at 10 minutes past death That's bit meh - I understand that you don't want players looting their own corpses AND that this means less things for the server to load but finding a bunch of corpses was one of the majorly fun thing about DayZ overall, at least give them an hour or 2 before de-spawning. How difficult is it to add a "Can't loot your own corpse" thing?. For example, In some of the more tense and drawn out fire-fights I may kill one person of an enemy squad but are not able to safely loot until we have killed the rest, this can *easily* take longer than 10 minutes. Please give us more time :)
  4. Qu1n

    Playing the mod again..

    Once the standalone has enough zombies in it I can't imagine ever going back to the mod.
  5. Qu1n

    Semi-Auto pistol will not fire.

    Only thing i could think of is you got really unlucky and found 2 broken pistols, nothing else springs to mind =\
  6. Sorry I'm off topic from such a thrilling and exciting story that I didn't read but.. "Gave yourself a reach around".. Reach around what exactly? Is this some sort of stunt masturbation I'm unaware of? =p
  7. Qu1n

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I'd love to ditch the camo look but losing the pocketspace is a major pain for me.. are there any decent looking jackets to replace the TTskO ones?
  8. 10 seconds after spawning, only minutes after launch a guy comes sprinting at me full pelt and whacks me in the chest. I ran around for a few seconds getting a hand on the controls, finally got my fists up and proceeded to Mike Tyson him in the face. Thought I had killed someone in one shot but as I realize now he was just unconscious.. Didn't stop me feeling like a champ for the rest of the day though!
  9. Qu1n

    Improved door mechanics

    I don't think the amnesia mechanic would work but I most definitely agree with doors needing a sound when opened/closed, gives a reason to close doors behind you when entering a building and makes opening a door in a city a risk/reward mechanic...
  10. Qu1n

    Do you ever server hop?

    I don't server hop but I must admit when my clan isn't around I tend to go for low pop servers and go exploring the map. I'll go high pop and pvp when I have my clan to hand and we can play tactically. edit - To clarify, low pop to me is ~10-15 people. Less than that is pointless.
  11. Qu1n

    Character Screenshots!

  12. Qu1n

    Simple choice

    and get ruined loot... maybe picking one or two scraps of undamaged loot from his corpse. I hope ruined is going to mean a lot more stuff just doesnt work anymore eventually.
  13. Qu1n

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Think I'll photoshop a DayZ logo and make it a background <3
  14. Qu1n

    Keep the zombies the way they are

    While you are entitled to your opinion I get the feeling this is just troll baiting
  15. Qu1n

    Hide player names

    The only reason I can think is that he wants to cheat in someway and not have his name known...
  16. Qu1n

    Saloon, Public bar, Meeting place, etc

    That last part needs quoting everywhere, BeanZ for you sir.
  17. Qu1n

    Recording Software in Standalone

    I use Xsplit and it works great, its not even bad compression either really.
  18. While I agree that the new compass is FAR more realistic I find myself not using the compass much at all. Over complicating things isn't a good thing, perhaps another look at the compass when some of the other core game problems are dealt with is called for.
  19. Qu1n

    Compound Bow?

    Stuff like this are great ideas but not really what the alpha is for, Content is for Beta, Alpha is more mechanics, making stuff work. But I'd also like to see a bow come Beta that would be awesome.
  20. Qu1n

    [SUGGEST] new inventory slots

    actually this is a great idea - particularly the crafting bit it makes a lot of sense within the realms of this mod. Edit: Also. PLEASE make binoculars a priority, i miss them :( Edit2: Could also attach a soundfile that makes them jangle as you walk/run, Gives a risk/reward system to having them around your neck
  21. Qu1n

    Improved Medical System

    seems he changed it back to black
  22. and here was me thinking I was clever putting a med box inside a protective case..