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Everything posted by SixPackAbs

  1. Such a wonderful contribution to the thread, please share your wealth of knowledge in other threads I see a great future in your posting here. I agree with OP, I understand panicking when you are being chased by zombies/being swarmed, but why do i panic when i am on top of a tower in safety and the only zombie is outside behind a wall? I guess i just don't understand the mechanic in general. Probably not fully implemented yet anyways.
  2. SixPackAbs

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    I think what he is politely trying to say is that maybe YOU are the asshole...you know, for judging groups of people for no reason other than they are different than you or play differently.
  3. SixPackAbs

    What was your dumbest death?

    This one time a guy named bobosaur was running around and another guy in our group thought he was a zombie and shot him in the face it was pretty hilarious. My best death was my first life, i found a chopper within minutes and flew/crashed it into a blaze of glory and zombies.
  4. SixPackAbs

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I'm right, but i won't share my knowledge of the rightness until i am presented with 10 high grade military weapons and 3 magazines for each.
  5. Lol at server providers getting all high and mighty Just because you pay for the server does not mean you get to do whatever. Also if you are doing it with no warning.... wtf
  6. SixPackAbs

    One hell of an assault our group did.

    I think the jeraz guy's account is probably more accurate
  7. SixPackAbs

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Jimmies level: rustled
  8. SixPackAbs

    EU13 admin abuse

    Entitled gamer pays for server, thinks he can get away with shit like this. happens in a lot of servers not just this one. I've started running fraps to try and capture some of the worst ofenders.
  9. SixPackAbs

    anyone tried a controller?

    i think is has native support for a 360 pad so it will probably work decently, not sure though i have not tried it.
  10. SixPackAbs

    Sekra's DayZMap

    takes away the exploration aspect of the game if you kn0ow where the loot spawns are (grocery stores, hospitals, wells etc.)
  11. SixPackAbs

    Zombie movement - the zig-zag shuffle.

    Yup i'm almost certain its a arma 2 AI issue, as most of the things are that people complain about.
  12. The sniper is one of the loudest weapon of the game, zombies run to it from far away.
  13. Whatever man, The increased numbers are very fun. People are going to cry and whine because we live in the generation of the entitled gamer. It is unfortunate but you have to realize they are the vocal minority, Most of us are just enjoying the game and having fun with the hordes.
  14. SixPackAbs

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    oh god the airfield... so many zombies
  15. SixPackAbs

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Oh god...can't wait to login and see whats up. Happy Birthday!
  16. Be patient If it takes 15+ minutes try a different server. SEARCH THE FORUMS BEFORE YOU POST A NEW TOPIC I've seen at least three of them about this.
  17. SixPackAbs

    Crossbow too ineffectual

    bolts could come as a "quiver of bolts" that has like 3 in it.
  18. SixPackAbs

    What a day.....

  19. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=66
  20. SixPackAbs


    i'd go with beer because it is Delicious and not full of 40+grams of sugars :D
  21. SixPackAbs

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    it would be kind of cool to have bodies where they died with their names, or like the crashed choppers they can be "secret" loot areas that randomly show up.
  22. SixPackAbs

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    I think his video has so many views because it is a very good series on the game, and not many other good ones are up on youtube yet. I played before watching his series but when i searched youtube his name was the first one that came up and i watched all of them. I'm sure a lot of people started playing after watching, because he made it very entertaining and showed off pretty much everything about the mod at the time.
  23. SixPackAbs

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    The only people i have a problem with are the bean warriors who suicide until they are near cherno or elektro, kill people until they die, rinse, repeat.
  24. SixPackAbs

    US9 locked for personal farming and PvE

    So then if someone abuses it you just take his privileges away and get a new server provider. not that complicated.