I was playing with friends on the server, after a few minutes, the admin to kick a player with the reason that he used a pipe bomb, but he threw a smoke bomb, which is found in the dead man. Two hours later he will ban the second member of the team with the reason that he created a bicycle, even though he took his place on the spawn. I started write that he was kicked out of two people who did not do anything. Admin took me and threw me to the cause of the "Problem is Fixed". Is this normal? I'm just saying that people are not cheaters. If he has to have those people logs, for what I got this ban? On the server I moved all my stuff from the tents, as I get them back? Even if I did not unban, I'd like to see in the admin typed appropriate people. Server DE 1626. UPD: I still can not get access to the server. Admin Ban reason - Problem fixed.