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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

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Posts posted by _Anubis_ (DayZ)

  1. Yes, of course. But do you realize you are complaining about something you can change by pressing a button on your pc?

    If you want to discuss about how much dayz is ... spawning with an AS-50 and loads of ammo then I am with you. It is stupid and does defy the purpose of the game. I play only on private servers to avoid hacking, but those servers are vanilla or, they give you a makarov (which I dump anyway, because I dislike it) or a can of coke. Big deal.

    That's a choice. I do not play on a server giving full gear because it means automatically CoD play, not my cup of tea.

    But going on a server that gives you full gear and complaining about it, what's the point? Just smile and press the abort button. Pick another server, there are tons of them.


  2. I have a proposal to reduce self-looting (raise the hand who has never done that with a long-life character) and discourage PvP for the sake of looting:

    1. When a player dies IF there are Z nearby they should come and feed. After a certain amount of time if nothing happen the body should be 'infected', make it visually half eaten and/or covered with blood

    2. Looting an infected body should provide a chance to get some disease (per item taken) so the more you loot the more you risk

    3. The only way to prevent the eating process would be either to drag the corpse away or kill the nearby Z and then loot quickly


    p.s. searched for something similar but haven't found it - apologies if the idea is not new

    • Like 2

  3. OP,

    I agree with you, Z should walk (or at the very least slow down) in a building. For example the hatchet animation is relatively slow and therefore you wouldn't be able to stop 3-4 running zombies inside even assuming choke points where they can advance only in line.

    Same goes for switching weapons or reloading (not even considering the mess you need to do to switch from primary to hatchet): you would be killed 10 times in that interval.

    However, I trust the dev team is aware of those problems and they'll find a balance: you can't have a klunky interface and deadly fast Z at the same time.


  4. Stop being a douchebag. I personally hate when servers give you shit at spawn. If you already got what you're looking for, you can't just drop it and start over. And I also don't like the idea of the admins being so bad at this game that they need handouts to survive the first moments.

    Stop bitching about problems you have because the world does not suits you. Don't like starting with gear? Either drop it or change server. End of Story. You can do everything you want.

    Why you keep moaning about "ohh I do not like this" - "ohh I hate that". The game is free to use and configure and so are servers and admins. Get over with it and move on.


    • Like 1

  5. I think dayz goes in phases... For sure I remember the "crawl" stage (see a Z 200meters away --> start crawling), then the "hatchet and barn" stage, spending time there to get safely food and gear, then the "deer stand" stage, then "cherno/elektro" and at the awareness you can find supermarket in many places and start to explore the 4 corners of Chernarus.

    The noob stage is gone, but dayz has still loads of fun to provide.


  6. dayz has several design and technical issues, however the unique game atmosphere more than counter-balance those issues. Most of the times you can handle those as 'extra' risks (e.g. you always need 1-2 morphine injectors with you). You'll get accustomed to those problems, even if you may still get enraged by dying due to a stupid glitch just after having succesfully raided NWAF.


  7. If I am to drop my starting gear and continue playing on this server, I will have a major disadvantage against other players.

    "major disadvantage"? Look, It takes me one-two hours to get fully geared (food, tools, weapons, ...). If you are so terrified to survive that amount of time with armed players who you can easily avoid, dayz is not for you.


  8. w

    i have not misunderstood at all..

    You dont like the servers which give you loot when you spawn..

    So why not just drop the loot?

    100% agree. OP, if you do not like what you have spawned with, just swim in the nearest pond to start your vanilla experience if that suits you... "it is your story", remember?


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  9. I am a friendly player, but I am not convinced those ideas (good of course) would take PvP out. Making Z more dangerous would mean for example "Let's hunt players to loot their bodies since there are too many Z in Berezino.", so the opposite.

    I would not make Z more or less dangerous in general, but instead to have Z reacting to shooting very efficiently: any shoot should attract hordes of investigating Zombies, chasing and loitering around for a while, also having them stay close to dead players (feeding) for a looong time.

    That should makes players think twice before pressing the trigger: you risk to be swarmed by Z or not being able to loot your prey.


  10. 2. There was a time, not so long ago when people had no steel/carbon allyos. But they had and used Crossbows.

    So what where they made of if not wood?

    4. A modern "Crossbow" can for sure penetrate a human skull, depending on the force, range and where it impacted the skull. Matter of Fact they are designed to penetrate armor not even speaking of bones.

    But like you said, you shoot bows, not crossbows.

    You seem to not understand the difference between historical crossbow and modern compound crossbows. The bolts are made of that material to increase range and precision.

    Maybe you have seen some movie with ninjas and hand crossbows... Crossbows are slightly more powerful compared to a compound bow, but not that much: you can read here http://www.huntersfriend.com/products/archery/crossbows/performance.html to learn. I buy my bows from that shop and they have plenty of educational material.

    To kill an animal, you aim to the heart, there is no other way (look for ethical shot). The head? You have played dayz too much...

    Last: I shoot compound bows, they work the same as compound crossbows.


    • Like 2

  11. It is a race condition.

    If the SA will take still a considerable amount of time before release, BI will automatically consider Arma III as base engine for the mod to maximize ROI.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this option is already considered and Pro/Con being evaluated behind the scenes. Wasn't SA "almost ready" at the end of 2012 and suddenly pushed back with a generic (and risible) statement "it is ready when it is ready"?


  12. Nice story. I like your playstyle (I play the same) but sometimes you have simply to ... give up to the simple fact certain players are simply too dumb, too KoS oriented or even too scared to use their neurons to produce more complex actions than hitting W or LBM.

    Three days ago I had just discovered a new vanilla private server so I started yet another avatar. I spawned near Cherno, late evening and rain, so I decided to skip the city as with +25 people playing such poor visibility may make people more trigger-happy than usual.

    So I moved E of Cherno to visit a suitable barn and other buildings to get food, an hatchet and then cross around Vysota and follow the power-lines up to Zeleno. Easy does it.

    In the barn I found the hatchet and happy as a bunny I started to explore the various floors, when I spotted another player hiding on the top floor.

    I typed "friendly" over and over on the chat, I said the same with the mic, I killed a Z climbing to his side to show him I could help, I told him "Look there, there is another hatchet, take it so you can defend yourself." All pointless. This guy did not react in any way and when I tried to get close, he backed away.

    Sometimes there is no way to interact. I left and typed "good-bye and good luck".


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  13. Hard to change. Skilled/Experienced players could spawn pretty much anywhere whereas fresh people should be on the coast... But how to make a difference? Maybe one could select where to spawn (easy/regular/hard spawn points) according to some parameters, or make it server-based just like 3rd personview.

