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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

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Posts posted by _Anubis_ (DayZ)

  1. Hello everybody. I heard from someone that it is still possible to access dayz singleplayer. I'd like to do so to train and such but I have no idea if its still possible and if it is, how do you do it?

    You can do it by installing the server-side of dayz on your pc, then starting it and finally starting Arma2 OA and connecting to it: http://dayzcc.tk/


    p.s. if you want only to test weapons, use the Armory in Arma2 OA

  2. //EDIT: I am not talking especially on looting systems, some randomness in this part of the game may be welcomed. My statement extend especially to every other part of the game like for hipotetical example "we added a chance to fail when repairing a wheel on your car, and the wheel will be gone" <- this would plenty suck.

    100% agree. That kind of 'randomness' is simply a cheap trick to increase artificially the challenge by having un-avoidable "Oh shit" problems such as "once every X times a Z breaks your legs" - "once every X times a Z will infect you" - "once every X times a Z will knock you out" and so.

    That is only annoying to say the least.

    My concept of 'randomness' refers to the loot system: I simply do not want to have a system that I can defeat in one hour always with the same, foolproof pattern (hit a barn - get hatchet - hit a supermarket - get food and tools - hit an hospital - get medicine - hit a fire station - get a nice weapon. Endgame, now boredom).

    For example we could have immaginary "convoys" moving from place A to place B or Chernarus (A and B random) leaving a trail of items, trash, half-repaired vehicles, bodies and so on.

    The player would have to work hard to find signs of those convoys and once done, follows the signs hoping to find something good.

    Another thing could be (I think already suggested) a large group of wandering zombies moving again from a random place to another.

    Anything that adds different scenarios and additional "real" challenges to the player to survive.

    Wild/hostile animals (another suggestion already seen).


  3. I have played dayz for a few months and after the learning/fresh spawn phase I moved to avoid Z by running/killing with the hatchet, learn the geography of Chernarus till the point I travel with a compass and landmarks, sometimes I do not even pick up the map (its main use now is sniper aid as it can act as rangefinder and I do not snipe).

    On purpose I play dayz by starting new Avatars on vanilla private servers, because I find the early phase the most interesting and challenging - after it gets boring unless on purpose I visit dangerous spots.

    My point is (especially after 1.7.6 and the disappearing of military weapons in Deer Stands) that now it does not matter anymore how big (or small) Chernarus is, since it is safer, quicker and far more efficient to visit ONLY 3 places to get geared:

    - Painkillers/Morphine/Antibiotics/Bandages: 1 stop in either Cherno, Elektro, Berezino

    - Big backpack/Tools/Food: 1 stop in a town with a supermarket (Cherno, Elektro, Zeleno, ...)

    - Mil. Weapons (long/sidearm): 1 stop in Cherno, Elektro, Balota, Berezino, NWAF, NEAF

    That's it. With luck (and taking some risks) I need to visit exactly ONE place and get everything I need, of course by returning to the same building 2-3 times especially to get a decent weapon.

    The rest of the map is useless, wasted. Space between a destination and another. I do not need to stop anywhere (only exceptions: hunting, making a fire, refilling the canteens).

    Why? Because every player needs to survive only three categories of objects and those three categories are concentrated in an handful of points. Elektro, Berezino and Cherno have ALL three categories together. A paradise.

    This is a direct consequence of the loot system: each one of us knows, after a while, where to find what and moves very efficiently.

    However, this makes the game repetitive and predictive, so it kills it.

    What we need is to have a far higher degree of randomness for loot, especially valuable one, which I do hope the SA will bring.

    Edit: I did not put any suggestions, which is wrong:

    1. all military weapons and ammo: crash site only (and crash sites 100% random, no predefined crash point) and occasionally (low %) inside buildings and car/truck wrecks

    2. keep hospitals and supermarkets but with a rather low percentage, not as now (those places, in an apocalypse, should be the first ones to be looted)

    3. keep houses/barns etc as they are

    4. add rare/valuable loot randomly (everywhere literally) all over Chernarus

    The idea is to put far more effort in scavenging and looking around, instead of making a one-stop shopping session in Berezino and go away, fully geared after 1-2 hours.


    • Like 3

  4. Since this was a discussion about using the crossbow in DayZ, the notion of the "ethical shot" goes out the window. However, more to the point...

    You missed the point :)

    The other guy was stating that crossbows are deadly and could do headshots (maybe in some ninja movies yes...).

    The link explains that the KE of a compound crossbow is slightly higher compared to compound but it is still very low compared to a rifle (depending on the caliber of course). You can't kill an animal (or a human) with an headshot in RL. *That* is the reason for the ethical shot.

    Before you start saying that animals have different sizes and skull morphology, I can tell you I have sadly seen pictures of animals shot with arrows/bolts in their skull, still alive of course. In some cases (a cat I remember - I would gladly kill the asshole who did that) vets were able to save them.

    I have even seen a picture of an hunter hit in the back of his head at point-blank range by mistake. There was skull penetration but no brain damage and he survived without problems.

    About bolts made of wood: the link you provided is about a poor guy thinking to DIY arrows hoping they would not splinter (he even wrote it!) and it is the first link of google (hint: look better).

    Sorry, no shop sells wood shafts for high-power compound crossbows (historical crossbows yes, as I explained).


  5. ... This beats everything I have seen in dayz.

    Yesterday I spawned near Elektro on an almost empty (5-10 players) server. So I run to the town to get gear.

    After a while someone types on the chat that they need blood, they are 2 players. "where are you?" "coming near the W fire station". So those guys are maybe 500 meters from the hospital and can't get a blood bag? This is fishy.

    The guys type again "we are almost there, please help". Ok, I run to the hospital, avoid a casual sniper and while I am collecting blood bags, I hear rotor noise. F*ck.

    The noise stops. "We are at the W fire station now you will see an Osprey there.". An Osprey? And they can't get blood bags by themselves?

    "We have no way to fight, the Osprey is full of weapons but we have no ammo.". Then they ask me "Are you friendly?" "yes I am" "how can we be sure?" "Look, I am coming to you with medicines and bags and morphine and I have only an hatchet".

    Now I am 1000% sure they will shoot me, but I play the game anyway. I reach the place and indeed there is an Osprey!

    I come, drop everything and leave going on my business, I have yet to get a decent weapon. They thank me and take-off.

    After finding a AK-74 Kobra and enough ammo, I leave Elektro fully geared to hear that they are now in Cherno, the Osprey is out of fuel and they now seek help to have a jerry can...


  6. Since Zombies/Infected do not exist it is actually funny to talk about whether they should be able to run or not. Here's my proposition however,for the fun of it:

    1. rolling-wave Z: they neither walk nor run, just side-roll prone at amazing speed and break your legs passing by

    2.mole Z: they move very slowly underground, you can only hear them, when they are close their mossy hands will immobilize you (*)

    3. flying Z: they fly like vultures and attack you especially in open field. Death from above!


    (*) in the SA they will also be able to penetrate underground bases and gnaw ammo, especially stanag SD rounds

    • Like 1

  7. Okay, first of all I am not a bandit, I play Lone Wolf, avoid PvP and tend to help people if I can. "Why this moron is posting here then?" - you may ask.

    Because I have reached the conclusion bandits are a good thing in dayz. It is like an eco-system and predators are needed (Z are not a threat at all), but much more important, bandits add adrenaline.

    Yesterday evening I was playing dayz: my avatar was running to NWAF armed with a Lee-Enfield, it was night but the moon was out, so visibility was acceptable.

    I was almost there (SE corner) when 2 players get out of the trees, the first one has an M107, the second wears a Ghillie and has an assault rifle... They run sideways in front of me maybe 150 meters away, I drop to the ground but I am in the open. I highly doubt they are friendly.

    The first one keeps running but the second stops. Shit. They move forward, then they split in opposite directions and start to look for me. I keep the ghillie man (closer) in view, heart pounding. F*uck I know I will die but who cares.

    70m, 50 m, 20m, 5m ... The ghillie man passes by, he has missed me but he will soon turn back and there is still the sniper somewhere.

    I decide to shoot: first miss, damn the slow L-E reload, fire again, the ghillie man goes down but he isn't dead. Fire again, now the sniper has finally spotted me and with an M107 one hit is enough.

    Damn. So close. I chat a bit with the 2 guys:

    "so at the end you saw me..."

    "Not immediately.."

    "Were you hostile? I started to shoot when I saw you coming towards me."

    "Yes, we are bandits"

    "Fair enough."

    So it was fun, pure adrenaline for maybe 30 seconds. That's one of the reasons why I love dayz so much, even ifI will never be a bandit.


    • Like 4

  8. After a few time playing with the latest 2 patches and being an avid visitor of Deer Stands, I can see that the weapons I used so find rather easiliy (M-16, M-3, AK-47, AK-74 and related variants) are basically disappeared from Deer Stands and are quite rare even in the 3 airports' hangars.

    The only places offering some chance now are the NWAF barracks and the Fire Stations, providing one can visit them a few times in a row.

    The lack of weapons in Deer Stands is rather annoying since those places were scattered and isolated, an ideal location for Lone Wolves like me.After 5-6 Deer Stands a weapon was almost guaranteed in the past.

    From a certain point of view I like the fact I can't find a military weapon so easily, on the other side it is stupid because the few places where such weapons can be found are obviously magnets for camping snipers and clans.

    Someone could say a Lone Wolf does need only a Winchester or L-E but I disagree: you need a better weapon if you find hostile players in the North.

    Did you experience the same?


    • Like 1

  9. I like the sandbox concept: "it is your story.".

    I can raid Cherno, scavenge forgotten towns in the far north, drink from a pond, repair a car, kill or avoid or help...

    Two dayz ago I was bored and raided NWAF with an hatchet. Got killed after 45 minutes by a CoD kiddie who shot maybe 20 times before killing me, pathetic. :D


  10. There are possible in-game mechanism: to reduce server-hopping: the system could for example not allow to respawn if other players are too close and eliminate any loot nearby the player upon respawning. The latter check should be good enough to prevent me standing on a deer stand and server-hopping until I get 20 SD mags...

    The only solution that defeats server-hopping is, obviously, a private server.


  11. Indeed an high-population of aggressive Z could easily lead to entering an isolated barn, server hop 4-5 times, find the nearest deer stand, server hop 5-10 times, find an isolated house, server hop 4-5 times and get full gear with minimum risk.

    However, it is such an evident mechanism that I believe the developers have considered that. If not ... well I am a fan of private servers anyway.


  12. The thing is, DayZ is not going to be a First Person or a Third Person Shooter, but a survival simulator striving for authenticity, with zombies tacked on. Therefore, using the FPS-argument for crosshairs doesn't stand in this case.

    The thing is, today dayz _IS_ a bigger-map-than-usual shooter, the only reason why a player dies (except for really fresh noobs) is because he has been shot by another player. How do you call such a game?

    Hopefully the SA will improve the situation.


  13. Run with primary: players are far more dangerous than Z.

    I never need to kill Z except with the hatchet. I know for experience the biggest fear is not being able to switch from primary to hatchet (open inventory, drop primary, equip hatchet, close inventory) in time: don't panic, remember you have all the time in the world in ANY building.


  14. Hello, I'm Vili from Finland, and I'm new to this community, I would like to have some tips for beginners :P I keep dieing and killed by bandits.. :/

    I really need some help :/

    1. Learn the map (the one on internet) and leave the coast (don't look back is a good advice!)

    2. Locate the nearest isolated farm close to you, go there, grab an hatchet

    3. Learn to kill Z while they climb the stairs

    4. Go out, call more Z, learn to kill them while they walk indoor

    5. repeat 3. and 4. until you are good, scavenge the farm and loot the Z, get a rifle if you wish (if you are wounded, eat)

    6. now go out and learn to kill Z outdoor

    7. look for the nearest town North of the farm with a supermarket - forget Cherno and Elektro

    8. go there using forests as coverage

    9. visit the supermarket, get tools and bigger backpack, repeat the visits if needed

    10. learn to kill animals, cook meat, boil water (using canteens and tools from the supermarket)

    11. visit enough deer stands to get a military weapon and ammo, always traveling using forests

    12. Now, you are ready, go back to Elektro/Cherno, hunt bandits and snipers and teach noobs how to break the glasses of the hospitals and get stuff


  15. if brightness and gamma is forced serverside.

    i can still use the brightness and gamma features of my screen.

    i think windows has something like this, too.

    Yes. Locking brightness/gamma inside dayz is 100% useless since you can adjust it anyway via the screen setting.

    It is like the [stupid] feature that if you speak using Arma2 channels Z will hear and react, but if you use skype or TS nothing happens.

