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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

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Posts posted by _Anubis_ (DayZ)

  1. Please stop with these BS posts. Using TeamSpeak and Skype maybe isn't realistic, but it certainly isn't "cheating" or giving you an unfair advantage

    Cheating is too strong a word but of course you get an advantage if you use TS/Skype/.. over Direct Comm chat because Z do not react to that, which is *unfair* toward players using DC and sticking to vanilla.

    We may debate forever but I would simply remove the Z aggro in the game due to speaking and level the playfield.It is a game after all.


  2. Ages ago I was a crusty old hermit who lived in the Northeast of the map, I would trickle down into the airstrip during off-hours and occasionally head to Berezino to stock up on meds. In this time I could go so long without seeing another player that I felt like I was the last man alive. I. Am. Legend.

    Ah yes... When you reach Olsha or even North of it is really like that. Not even loot spawn there :(


  3. IMHO Daizy is good for training, but not for playing.

    If you use for training, you may end up with multiple engagement with several bandits, with different weapons. They do not aggro Z but you do, so you have a firefight with the handicap of being chased by tons of Z as you noted. Fire-Move pattern

    The variety of weapons coupled with moving targets is also good, especially for long-range engagement with assault rifles: you can learn quite a bit.

    However, the reaction time of the bandits is rather high, real "players" are way quicker.

    The spawn system has been changed, now bandits spawn around you wherever you are, but never close (300 m or so), much better.


  4. Hello there

    As other tried to point out, even if folk stick with the mod they'll still have to buy a Bis product. Namely A2OA or possibly A3.

    I doubt BI would release a product that would damage their own profits, they're a small organisation but not daft.



    Hello here Lok,

    As I tried to point out in my previous posts people who have *already* Arma2 can enjoy dayz mod without generating a single USD/EUR of revenue to BIS.

    And if there will be an official or un-official porting of dayz to Arma3, the same can happen with a better engine (Arma3). If I buy arma3 today, it is only the game engine I purchase, not dayz because there is no dayz available.

    Will all those people, who have already Arma2 and/or Arma3 purchase SA as well giving *more* revenue to BIS?

    Maybe yes, maybe not.

    The more alternatives they have the lower the probability, that's basic math.


  5. So you are saying that BIS is happy to not sell more copies of SA and would like people to download instead a free mod !!??

    Where do you think BIS gets money to pay its employees (including Rocket) ?

    Sorry for asking, maybe it is due to that, but do you work for a living?That changes the perspective a lot...


  6. That doesn't matter that much since all those games belongs to Bohemia.

    Nope. It matters a lot to them... It is about the money they could make:

    dayz freeware mod on arma2: zero revenue if someone owns already arma2, otherwise revenue for an arma2 CO license

    dayz freeware mod on arma3: zero revenue if someone owns already arma3, otherwise revenue for an arma3 license

    SA payware: revenue for one license of SA, ON TOP OF any arma2/arma3 sales

    So BIS may get more or less money (*zero* money in some cases!) depending on what is or will be available on the market.

    Now think a little bit whether BIS would like to end up in a situation where they can get more money or less money and what they will choose.

    It is all about maximizing ROI, just like making a port of SA to console. More sales (more $$$).


  7. SA and dayz mod are obviously similar in concept, gameplay and structure, so one does not need Einsten IQ to sense a competition (especially taking in account dayz is free but SA is not).

    dayz is a mod of an engine. It is based on Arma2 but it could be ported to Arma3 (see Wasteland). Arma3 is a newer and better engine hence the dayz mod could benefit of this.

    So the more options are there on the market to have similar games (dayz on arma2, dayz on arma3, SA) the more people will choose and buy one or the other (if one can afford all, godd for him of course), it is called fragmentation.

    No supplier likes fragmentation, it reduces revenues.


  8. There are zillions of in-game & out-game (e.g. TS or skype) features which can be exploited to gain advantages to oneself or the clan, e.g.:

    - nametags which allows to detect players hidden

    - 3d view to see behind walls

    - chat to inform friends about that sniper location after being killed

    - spawning and go looting your own body

    - telling your friends where you dead body is so they can loot it

    - duping items

    - using Alt-F4


    Some are worse than others, but all share the basic concept that "if I do that I will have an edge over players *not doing that*" . Simple enough.


  9. It provides an advantage over using the built-in chat in direct-comm mode because Z will react to direct chat and not to TS/skype/...

    Solution to avoid any problem: level the playfield and make Z not react to direct-comm (the feature is borked anyway) and just pretend TS/skype is a radio.


    I play FSX multiplayer and there is a nice application called FSHost that links the aircraft radio frequencies to different TS rooms, food for thought for the SA..

  10. How would a player react, that lived for 3 weeks, driving around in his car, being used to repair it all by himself, if he died for some stupid reason and had to re-learn everything again. Even if he got to his car and got back his stuff, he couldn't repair the car unless he re-trains the skill.

    Your comment is interesting for at least 2 reasons:

    1. you are automatically considering ways to avoid/move around the perma-death concept (get back gear and -if possible- skills), which is natural, I would also try to loot my body, but we should all keep in mind we are cheating a little bit by doing that...

    2. Dying for stupid reasons (a Z glitching, leg broken vaulting, touch a branch and the car goes ka-boom, ...) is considered an "unfair" way of dying and therefore upsetting. Makes sense of course.

    But those 2 things are related. dayz is still ridden by bugs and therefore there are "unfair" ways of dying and therefore we kind of accept to cheat perma-death and do things like loot ourselves.

    Would that still be acceptable with a polished game? Clearly it is not in the concept of Dean. I am assum8ng dayz and SA will improve as time goes by.


  11. Nope. I was meaning getting more raw meat from a given animal and suffer less from infections eating raw meat.

    Re-gen health from food is linked to have a kind of progressive re-gen as opposed to 'insta-ok' by eating 5 cans in a row. An experienced/hardened player could re-gen quicker (not getting more health by the same amount of food, but getting back health more quickly).


    • Like 1

  12. About combat-roll/V:

    I can do it several times in a row, just press it lightly, even after short interval (e.g. 5 seconds) from the previous one.

    What I have seen however is that (depending on the server, so I guess it is ping-related) I can do a combat roll very easily on some servers whereas on others the player 99% of the times stops and vaults.

    Maybe it is lag.


  13. Interesting debate here.

    I tend to favor high-capacity side-arms (G-17/Beretta) over the more powerful M1911 and revolver because ... I do not trust my aim too much (a PDW would be even better in dire straits/CQB) with a side-arm. A big magazine means not only a longer interval between reloading (and that may save your bacon) but also more ammo available for the same number of equipment slots (ideally 4 bandages and 4 magazines), so more efficient.

    And yes, I "like" the M1911 sights more than the toy-thing of the G-17.


  14. I discard the Makarov not because of any technical reason but simply because I do not like it from an aesthetic point of view (yes I know it may be silly). Nothing wrong with the G17 or the Beretta, on the contrary those are preferred back-up weapons (after the PDW).

    Sometimes I think the SA should introduce some more side-arm such as the Desert Eagle and/or Sig-Sauer models, but that's another issue.


  15. I play LW mostly because I can't spend a lot of time playing and/or I may need to log-out for 5 minutes to do something: with a team you must be able to ensure some reliability to be efficient.

    However, I can team up occasionally with people (mostly to help) - even if the KoS danger is always there, so I tend to avoid contacts and watch from a distance.


  16. This "outside the game/unfair advantage" concept doesn't make much sense... So:

    - if I look at an online chernarus map (I do not even pick up the in-game one anymore) is it cheating?

    - if I use my HOTAS Saitek controller/rudder (the same I use in FSX) to control an helicopter is it cheating?

    - if I use a mic is it an unfair thing because not everybody has a mic?

    - if I use trackir to look around is it cheating because other people have to use freelook instead?

    - if I speak using teamspeak instead of side chat, is it cheating?


    Sorry but it sounds a little bit too anal to me. Please let everybody play as they like, as long as they do not cheat by using hacks or exploit design weaknesses (e.g. duping items or giving themselves blood transfusion, which now has been fixed).

    Edit: one argument of side-chat vs. TS is the following: If I speak (e.g.) in direct comm nearby Z can hear me and react. If I speak using TS this does not happen of course. So clearly there is a tactical advantage of using TS over built-in voice chat. Personally I consider this a design flaw of dayz however.


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  17. Back to times my character had survived a couple of weeks just to ... miss the ladder of a Deer Stand and break the leg. At that time I was so dumb to not understand the value of morphine so I han't any. Unable to walk and too far away from hospital to consider crawling, I started to shoot to attract nearby Z and waited.

    Now I do not play anymore a single character, I like instead having several, each one on a different private server. At this time I have 16 of them, all fully geared and roaming Chernarus (a couple of those even visited Olsha, forsaken and derelict place..) - no idea about their life duration, I do not track it anymore.


  18. Im pretty sure this idea does not fit with Rockets vision.

    I was about to make some nasty remarks about this bold statement but mysteriously your signature stopped me...

    Beans to you instead, I do not question karma.


  19. just saw your thread and the picture of the fresh spawn vs. the experienced guy it is a perfect example of what I had in mind!

    The only detrimental thing would be loop-holes allowing people to exploit/powerlevel as orlok said (I still remember in Morrowind how you could reach 100 shield skills by finding an extremely weak enemy,have an automatic health reg-en effect and simply ... Leave the game, go out with the friends and come back after a few hours having a character with 100 shield skills).

