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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

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Posts posted by _Anubis_ (DayZ)

  1. You are right but that's exactly the point: in dayz the environment is so placid and rich you do not need to kill anybody for food.

    Just camping close to a single barn with an hatchet and luring the Z inside provides you an endless source of food and beverages because both loot and Z respawn endlessly.


  2. Well, it must be too subtle for you...

    "I don't care" IS a stance: it means "if people want to give donation and get stuff, sure, why not. I personally do not use this option, but I do not see any reason why it should be criticized or limited."

    Any further question, drop a PM if you are really interested (no trolling please).


  3. Zombies are unarmed AI, dumb and almost useless as a threat unless in certain scenarios (e.g. many of them in a confined space): sure you can have more zombies, or better zombies (faster/better tracking) or stronger zombies (harder to kill) or more dangerous zombies (one hit minus 5k blood) but, let's face it: a *single* human player with any firearm and willing to kill represents an higher treath than countless zombies.

    So it pretty much pointless to think to rebalance just by putting more weight on the PvE side: also CPU plays a role here in terms of limits on quantity/quality of Z.

    What you can do instead, and takes almost no effort to do it, it simply to take weight from the PvP side, just by playing with the loot tables: make handgun rare, rifles rarer, automatic weapons even more rare and a sniper rifle a one-of-a-kind spawn in the whole server.

    Problem solved. Dayz is a sanbox, but you need sand and water to build a castle, and the tap (loot) can be controlled.

    You will think 10 times before killing another guy with an axe when all you have is a lousy makarov and 6 bullets (yeah baby, ammo rare as well, it is an apocalypse after all so you don't find every 10 minutes an M-16 ACOG lying 'forgotten' on some barrack's floor with three magazines aside...)

    The bad side is that dayz would lose maybe 80% of its userbase, because only a fraction of us is really focused on the survival side only.


  4. Months ago, I had just started to play dayz, wandering without having a clue where I was I found on the coast some kind a big town and approaching from the West I found a weird building with lots of food and stuff, a compass and even a big backpack (Alice) inside. I used to think it was Christmas time! I ignored the backpack (had no idea I could exchange) and filled with cans of food and coke got out as an happy bunny running away like hell. I was shot in the back after 100 meters by some bastard. So sad...


  5. Another fine specimen of an idiot who cant read. I was merely warning others that safe servers are not safe.


    You have to adapt to the average player level of attention, intelligence and maturity! :D

    Expect the usual collection of "qq-er"/crybaby/whiner/.. and the usual recommendation "go play hello kitty" etc

    Best to Forget public servers, go private (no need to go whitelisted, I have seen a private server hacked only once in months).


    • Like 1

  6. All I'm asking is for an explanation, which he has given. There is no need to get childish and silly with the stupid assumptions

    1) OH RLY? And then why you rushed to edit your post to the OP before answering? Do you believe nobody saw it?

    2) 'childish'/'silly'/'stupid' - Dear, you are really unable to communicate without insulting, do you?


  7. So not so much information aside from the fact it will be server based (but that's a technicality and most likely, should help to reduce hacking on client side), loot is scattered and pseudo-random. Good that we admit now "not so much is known" despite devblogs from Mt. Everest (sorry I digress..)

    Well if the statement of Rocket is true (no loot maps can be created/make sense) the loot is really 100% random, it means 'no more running to NWAF to get nice weapons' , which is good and bad at the same time: if finding any automatic weapon is an exercise of patience and luck (no known good spots) then people will automatically consider the option to hunt and kill better equipped players to get their rare gear and players with those weapons will be even more careful.. --> More PvP

    Another thing that scares me a little bit is the nasty combo Z running inside/loot require time to search/slow hit animation with hatchet/no collision detection between Z: it means that if you have 5 Z running at you indoor you will always die: the hatchet will kill the first but the other 4 will run at you with bodies overlapped and hit you in no time. Now this is a minor risk as they walk, but if Z will run inside you will always be overrun.


  8. OP,

    dayz is still a very good mod (not a game, that would be Arma2) and it has lots of potential for improvements: there are tons ot maps and variations, there are servers with a mix of NPC and players, there are Z variations, single-player options (daizy) and so on.

    Sure it has glitches, bugs and various shortcomings (e.g. the need to drop the main weapon to equip the hatchet) but it offers a lot for free: you do not pay a dime for it.

    Not all choices are good, sometimes people make mistakes, but it is 100% open and if you do not like a certain feature you can lobby for a change or do it yourself.


  9. I understand your opinion, but everyone of us has the right to have a viewpoint.

    I am very happy with dayz (despite its stupid bugs and shortcomings) so I have high hopes for the SA: the last thing I want to see is a SA that offers only cosmetic (textures, UI, more lootable buildings) improvements without tackling the core limitations and the basic fact that, in dayz, after 2-3 hours of playing you have reached endgame status (fully geared): and this is the result of the current loot system.


    • Like 1

  10. Following the insane idea to do something constructive, I would like to sum up what dayz is offering with reference to certain game design aspect and whar SA will offer instead. Being concerned about the lack of *details* related to the SA core, I hope also to collect more information and therefore make a service to the community.

    [1] Loot System

    Loot is what is found inside buildings and varies in term of which items can be found, where, with which probability and how loot is respawned once collected by players.

    [1.1] Loot in dayz -as per

    - loot is generated according to loot tables per static building type (barn, red house, barrack, school, tent, ...)

    - not all the buildings can be accessed (in fact, the vast majority is closed)

    - there are 7 well known locations for military items (neaf, nwaf, balota, stary sobor, berezino, cherno, elektro)

    - there are 3 well known locations for medical items (berezino, cherno, elektro)

    - there are 3 well known locations for food/tools (berezino, cherno, elektro) + supermarkets in other cities (Polana, Zeleno, Stary, Pustoshka, Vybor, Krasnostav)

    - all the other spawn points have a mix of everything (but not mil. weapons)

    - loot is periodically re-gen

    - on top, dynamic spawn points with high-grade mil. weapons and tools (heli crash sites)

    Associated issues:

    - loot farming exploits (go in, take everything useless out, go away, come back, repeat)

    - fixed spawn points piles inside the buildings (quick check, grab, leave): no need to search

    - 7 chokepoints/bottlenecks/pvp magnets: cherno, elektro, berezino, stary, neaf, nwaf, balota: especially the cities ridden with corpses and camping snipers

    - vast majority of buildings useless (closed), just cosmetic placeholders

    - low value loot (not worth the risk) in many towns

    [1.1] Loot in SA

    - many/all building will be accessible

    - loot will be scattered (longer search time)

    - loot also in vehicles

    ? how loot is defined (per building, 100% random)

    ? what about hospitals, supermarket, military/police areas

    ? what about respawn

    ? will be there in the Sa chokepoints thus with the same pattern of dayz (e.g. "mad rush to elektro, grab an AK-74 Kobra, two morphine injectors and run north")

    Maybe I have missed it, but I have not seen or read a lot of details about looting in SA: if you have any information or precise reference it would be great.


    • Like 3

  11. Priceless, now we have even mods writing hate posts and then not even having the balls to admit it...

    First post "the OP *admits* being an hacker" [so he is worthless PoS and his opinions are equally worthless] and then the minor detail "the OP *feels* it is ok to hack" so "maybe the game is not for him" [so let's not listen to him].

    Fraggle do you realize you are saying 2 completely different things and tap-dancing pitifully around it just for attacking a guy whose opinion you dislike without reading what he wrote and inciting other to do the same?

    What does it mean for you to be a MODerator ? I feel I need a Picard picture facepalming...


    • Like 1

  12. Well if you've been here long enough you'll know why R went climbing at this time. You're better than this.

    Rocket is the Team Lead. Anyone who works in the IT industry knows that the key resource does not leave the team for extended periods unless:

    1. the project is almost over so he/she could disappear for a couple of months


    2. the project is far away from completition so people are still in development/coding but no critical testing or reviews have to take place

    Time will tell. June is behind the corner so either we are going to see something pretty Alpha-ish soon or wait for a while.


  13. Saben,

    I do hope the SA will be full of new features (if you have a look at the suggestions forum there are tons of good ideas) but this lack of details on the game core and focus on little things makes me think rather the opposite and to be brutally honest, if SA means "Still Alpha" I will stick to dayz and its variations for a little longer.


  14. I like the way mature discussions develop here, one write something and he gets an avalanche of "fuck-off", "go fuck yourself","go play COD" and pictures of Picard facepalming ... It must be one of the reasons why there are hardly new threads.

    While I disagree with the conclusions ("SA will fail") there is more than some truth in what he wrote.

    The window IS slipping away.

    The dayz development is basically dwingling to an halt in terms of new features: a lot of tinkering with loot tables and Z thresholds ranges, which is nice, some bug fixing, good as well, but no real new things (we get the options to combining magazines, nice of course, but it is rather minor).

    At the same time, SA is moving at its own peace and I hope it will be good, but so far it has yet to be seen and despite the devblog from Everest base camp (cool of course! Lots of hype andso on) I haven't found anywhere concrete details and/or screenshots of what the SA will bring *on top of dayz*: there is a new inventory system and UI, better textures, quick slots (fine, but those exists in games since stone age), but what about gameplay, which is the real core? How Z will behave? How the loot will work? How skills will work? How weapons and ammo will be available? Those factors are critical to make a good game in the eyes of players who are coming from dayz and like it despite its limitations.

    I find this lack of concrete info more than a bit worrying.

    Now, don't get me wrong: if the SA will not be purchased by hordes of players it is something very, very positive, better have a few good players willing to play a survival game with an hatchet then zillions of people going KoS and screaming to get a full load of ammo and AS-50 and rangefinder and NVG on start-up.


    • Like 8

  15. 1) Find an hatchet

    2) go for the nearest town (either Cherno/Elektro/Berezino)

    3) get tools/food/bigger backpack/military weapons/blood,antibiotics,painkillers, morphine

    4) Begin to play for real and wander around, possibly with a bicycle (easy to fix, silent, fun)

