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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by _Anubis_ (DayZ)

  1. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    Mercules, where did I write 3dp is good? Please highlight it. I said "I like 3dp more than 1st". There is no good or bad or right or wrong.Just a preference. _Anubis_
  2. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    Interesting post, especially the remark to Godwin's Law :D it is rare to see something like that here. I have taken the freedom to keep only two parts of your post because I wanted to answer to you about those and clarify: Yes, the majority have 3rd person turned on. Yes the majority of the players play on those servers. That doesn't mean it is the best option for DayZ going forward I am not a follower of Rocket or have his icon close to my bed where I light candles to him before going to sleep. Dayz is not my religion and I do not have the arrogance to think that *I* know what is best for dayz. I merely try to have fun with it by meeting other players (in that I dislike a KoS-oriented playstyle for example, but I accept each one has his or her way of thinking, it is a basic principle of democracy). I simply like 3dp more than 1st person. Nothing else or nothing more (and as I explained, I do understand the periscope effect). I daresay the vast majority of the other casual players (like me) have a similar way of thinking and simply enjoy 3dp more than 1st. Easy as that. So there are automatically more 3dp on servers than 3dp off. So people like more certain clothes, or cars or whatever or vote for the left party or the right party. Right or wrong does not apply here. Basically once you give 3rd person as an option to use everyone does because it makes the game simpler and gives tactical advantages. That means there is no, "Why can't we allow both?" because one excludes the other when both are available. If everyone does it it means everyone is happy with it. Is that so difficult to accept? People have the right to choose (again, it is called democracy). Keep in mind it provides NO TACTICAL ADVANTAGE because on a 3dp on server EVERYONE has access to it. If you decide to play always 1st person on a 3rd on server YOU alone have an handicap and it is your fault. You have a 3dp off server for that purpose. It is like being vegetarian and going to an Argentine restaurant and complain that every dish is meat based... You see, I am not stating 3rd is better, purer, more appropriate you-name-it compared to 1st (or the other way around). I am simply saying that people must be free to choose to play how they like to have fun. That's the purpose. I accept you like 1st person more. Fine. Just stick to a 3dp off server and feel free to play with the rest of the population who says "1st person or bust". Exactly like I stick to 3dp on servers because I like to play with 3dp on to explore and 1st person to fight. Cheers, _Anubis_
  3. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    Now it is getting interesting... The majority of the servers have 3dp on and the majority of the players freely pick up 3dp on those servers. This is the reality. But guess what? A few elitists mods have now decided that all tbose players must NOT do that anymore and have decided it is obviously WRONG to allow those players to choose to play with 3dp on servers and the server owners should NOT have any option anymore. For the greater good of dayz of course :) What is the next step? To allow only the truly "Arian" players chosen by you to play dayz in the pure way of playing you only know? The thread is going beyond pathetic. _Anubis_
  4. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    3rd person view is NOT a terrible problem to me.I accept it is for you. To me 3rd person view is merely unrealistic but I like it more than 1st. The other problems I listed are both unrealistic AND annoying.It is very simple. The main point that I am trying to make is that we have 3rd and 1st person servers, everybody can choose. Be arrogant and say "everbody MUST go 1st because _I_ say so" doesn't work. _Anubis_
  5. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    Very well done video. However the following debate seems to miss the obvious: there are people who simply likes 3D view because it provides more fun and dayz is a game: I have always played each game in that way because I liked it more. It is as simple as that. Do I realize that view provides an unrealistic periscope/see-thru-walls effect? But of course! And I do not give a rat ass about that because I know the game is UNREALIST anyway in two million ways, which annoy me far more: hit a pebble car explodes hide a tent into a rock or tree no backpack visible with a ghillie can carry 100 Kg of stuff and run for 100 miles uphill no stop find automatic weapon and ammos everywhere Z seeing and hitting thru walls turbo Z effect - faster than Bolt land-mine Z (get anywhere near and insta-hit) camo has no effect on visibility grass not rendered beyond a distance - can't hide in field I can pilot an helicopter or aircraft press RMB and get hawk vision I can fill a bottle at a fountain but not drink at a fountain with nametags on I can spot another player anywhere you may die if your pinkie is hit by a sniper I can pass the wall in a fire station Z do not need to open doors I can get a blood transfusion in 5 seconds (oh yeah dude, that is hard-core realism!) ... Do I need to carry on? The third vs. first person is a 100% non-issue because I can choose which server (3dp on or off) to join: to each his own. But all that UNREALISTIC crap mentioned above is always there sadly. If one does not like 3DP simply not use it and, to avoid the handicap, choose a 1st person only server. Cheers, _Anubis_
  6. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    "These people would contend that actions like killing, or stealing, are inherently wrong, regardless of the presence of society." Yep. That's the whole point of what is called having a conscience or moral principles and what makes the difference between someone who 'does not steal because he is afraid to end up in jail' and someone who 'does not steal because he believes it is the right thing do to'. _Anubis_
  7. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    Ammo Spawning Law: if you find ammo for weapon A and you decide to keep it, you will then find weapon B. Corollar: if you find ammo for weapon A and you decide to discard it, you will then find weapon A _Anubis_
  8. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    What guns would you like to see in SA?

    On a more serious note: http://en.wikipedia....l_Purpose_Rifle It is already in Arma 2, it uses STANAG rounds, single action, double level of zoom. Not as precise as a dedicated sniper rilfle, but much better than the M-16 ACOG. _Anubis_
  9. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    What guns would you like to see in SA?

    This: Technical Data here: http://en.wikipedia....nzio_20mm_rifle but with a mechanism allowing no more than one bullet spawned per server ;) _Anubis_
  10. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    DayZ .Dev Bug List

    Other problems: 1. out-of-sync Z "whack" attack, sometimes after 2-3 seconds (while running away) 2. Z hitting through walls (e.g. Z idling/stuck inside houses, you pass a corridor and hear "whack") 3. Z accelerating (going in attack mode) then bumping against an house side, slowing down, accelerating again and bumping, pretty pitiful Other remarks: 4. A single hit with infection is a death warrant due to lack of antibiotics - when it happen I simply commit suicide by jumping from a building. 5. Loot is rare, not so bad because it was "too much" in Not worth playing due to 4., game is simply unbalanced - could as well give Z the power to inflict a -12k hit by eye contact or be electrocuted by a lighting from time to time if you are outdoor. Same effect. _Anubis_
  11. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    DayZ .Dev Bug List

    I get a red "drag" option every time I get close to loot. _Anubis_
  12. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Can we try spawning in the north?

    Have been on a server where you spawn in a very nice way: freefalling over the clouds, then you open your chute and land somewhere, randomly. Cool... _Anubis_
  13. Let's simply wait for the hysteria to settle at normal level and stay with until 1.7.x will reach a stable state... The worst thing that can happen (and it happens often in dayz patches) is to add 10 millions changes without testing in depth, then cave and panic under the wave rage, cook up quickly something in the opposite direction and recycle instead of adding 10 changes well discussed, designed and validated. It is the cans story all over again: put the cans, rage wave, remove the cans, rage wave... _Anubis_
  14. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    Having played now for a few hours: 1. In the cities I have often seen Z stuck at doors of houses where there is no entrance whatsoever 2. Crawling Z stuck/not moving at all up until the player comes very close (bug or feature?): sometimes in the middle of a field, sometimes inside a building 3. The most annoying thing: the "no-animation-insta-hit": no matter the Z orientation with reference to the player, what he is doing (running/yawning/looking elsewhere) you may come close and get hit: when I mean get hit I mean you hear the "whack!" sound and the screen turns gray, but the zombies does nothing at all (no attack animation). It happens at the speed of light 4. Z hitting through walls, already reported by others. Example of locations: far wall facing the entrance of any supermarket, back of the Electro church (in both cases, move closer to wall to see it happen) 5. Z hit and tackle you from a distance, already reported by others. General remark: The new Z are not bad in terms of behavior because they are more resilient and chase you better. But their buggy state does not encourage at all playing. You do not need more skills to survive but more luck because sooner or later you'll be infected. Maybe because you are carefully moving around an house corner, there is Z on the other side looking elsewhere but after a fraction of second ... "Whack!" --> insta hit and infection. Die in peace because there are no antibiotics. _Anubis_
  15. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Why the patch is not that bad

    Having been in the software industry for more than 25 years (oh yes I am older than the average teenager fan-boy) covering more or less all the possible roles (from Software Engineer to R&D Head) and having developed myself for fun a few open-source/freeware utilities, mostly under GPL, I would like to shed some light about freeware vs. payware: Freeware costs no money, but that does not automatically mean un-tested, buggy, undocumented and poorly running code. The fact that ones does not pay for it does not imply quality has to be low. It is up to whoever develops it to set his/her own standards. Simple as that. So arguments like "It is free, so do not complain about poor quality" or "It is an Alpha, what do you expect?" do not hold water. You can decide to develop a lot of buggy features or a few well-working ones, the choice is yours (*especially* in the freeware world where you have no boss to report to, so you have really no excuses for delivering crap because nobody forced you to do it, whereas in the payware world you may well be forced to release untested garbage due to top management decisions). Payware costs money, but that does not mean automatically fully tested, well-designed and optimized code. Of course, companies having a track record to deliver crap have the tendency to disappear from the market, which is good. The Gothic franchise (an underdog with a well-established niche similar to dayz from a certain point of view) started wonderfully well and it went down the drain with Gothic III only partially resurrected by a community made patch. The Elders Scroll franchise instead keeps growing and each game is better than the previous one. There are bugs but those are ironed out as time goes by. They do not deliver "Alphas" or "Betas" or "Gammas" or else ... Last but not least, a classic example of payware vs. freeware: for FSX you can find thousands of aircraft models, freeware and payware and despite the fact freeware are free (doh!) there are many freeware models with a far better quality, documentation and realism factor compared to payware ones. _Anubis_
  16. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    Found a 1.7.7. server (DE103) where I had an old character and started playing for an hour or so: 1) decayed/super Z require several hits with the hatchet to be killed - as expected 2) normal Z now need 2 hatchet hits to be killed - weird 3) killed Z sometimes glitch and disappear through walls/floors 4) had a long trip on a Zodiac and the temperature icon went blue. Looks like a bug because I was _in_ the water but _on_ a boat 5) the "turbo attack effect" of the Z seems worse than _Anubis_
  17. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Standalone thoughts?

    Well said. My fear is that the SA will be mostly a polished dayz (from freeware mod to payware game) but everything will remain "more or less" the same and in that case,I will simply stick to the old dayZ. One simple example of "more or less" dayZ; Z are not running inside and in dayz you need 5-6 seconds to switch trom the main weapon to the hatchet due to the horrible interface --> if you had in dayZ running Z inside a building you would be killed 10 times before being able to switch to the hatchet because - the interface is a kludge, so you have to drop the main weapon, equip the hatchet, switch from the secondary weapon to the hatchet and finally have the hatchet ready (thanks God the kludge-in-the-kludge to reload the hatchet before using has been fixed) - there is not collision check between Z so you can have 20 of them passing through that tiny door at the same time, you kill the first with the hatchet and are swamped by the rest SA: Z will be running inside AND (surprise surprise) you will have a quick equip slot to have the hatchet ready in no time. Of course if there will be no collision check between Z you will still have 20 of them passing through the door and swamping you at the end Now we can either see either as a brand new, wonderful design feature or simply a fix of something broken in the first place. I have no doubt the fanboy horde will rage at it, portraying this as something new and revolutionary however - it is just a matter of opinions. Anubis
  18. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Standalone modding support

    Interesting choice coming from Rocket & co who are today involved in the SA development just because they have been modding extensively an existing game (Arma 2) in the past - but hardly surprising knowing what happened during the development of the single player version of dayz (technically a mod of a mod), with all the rage between Rocket and Kronzky. The ironic [read: moronic] thing is that nobody would be here talking about dayz if Bohemia would have taken exactly the same stance when they released Arma2 in the first place... Anubis
  19. In the last weeks I have spent a lot of time playing DaiZy, a single player variant of the mod. It is rather interesting and different from DayZ. Playing at max difficulty settings bandits NPC are deadly when sniping. In CQC, they are utterly weak instead (narrow FOV/slow/poor tactics). One of the good thing about DaiZy is that you can experience in a very short time hundreds of firefights with a myriad of different scenarios and weapons something impossible in DayZ. After playing for quite a few time having a variety of sniper rifles to use,a few things dawned on me: 1) 99% of the times the only way a player (that is, the human) dies in DaiZy is by sniping (not by hunger, not thirst, not zombies, not CQC...), only a far away shot from an unseen enemy making the sniper rifle the ultimate PvP weapon by excellence. In other words, sniper rifles exist only for killing other players and nothing else. They have no role in PvE and are tools used to kill other players in cold blood, nothing else. 2) With practice, one can successfully engage group of enemies at 400 meters and single enemies at 800 meters and above and this WITHOUT using "Finger of God" weapons such as AS-50 or M-107: a DMR, a Dragunov can do it and even poor-man-sniper-rifles such as the M-16 ACOG or the Mk12 SPR (poor-man-sniper-rifles because they are less precise and the damage they deliver is less than half compared to the previous ones), so the conclusion is simple: nobody needs a +12k damage weapons that can one-shot kill even by hitting the left pinkie of someone, except people who haven't learned to shoot properly yet they like to strut around with a giant (maybe to compensate something else smaller?) AS-50. 3) No matter what happens or the weapon used, no sniper will ever kill you in a forest with a long-range shot. This is the most important conclusion: sniper rifles are dangerous mostly to careless (or tired by having played too much) players. You can't be killed if you are not visible and/or watch around very carefully and/or move quickly and in a non-predictable pattern. TL/DR: Kudos for removing any +12k damage sniper rifle. Any sniper rifle is a 100% PvP weapon, so out of place in a pure "Zombie Apocalypse Survival" or whatever but cool to kill other players if that is your cup of tea. Sniper rifles do not represent a threat if you move in such a way to negate their long range capabilities. _Anubis_
  20. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Some considerations on sniper rifles...

    Totally true in dayz but in daizy (the SP variant) you have random snipers all over the map appearing around you, no open area is safe. _Anubis_
  21. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    [GUIDE] Safest Way To Loot NWAF [Quick Route]

    My route (kind of long): 1. wide U turn (N, E, S) to approach NWAF from the NE tip 2. move SE along the wall 3. quick in-out in the E barrack 4. move SE again through the buildings and check the firestation 5. Leave the airport in a wide arc, direction E then S _Anubis_
  22. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    My trouble with direct chat

    OP, Don't be afraid to talk. Age doesn't matter, it is how you act and say that is important: you can figure out quickly good players from dumb ones by seeing how they check a building before entering, whether they always run without stopping or check their six and sides, move predictably or not, how they negotiate an open field and so on. So well before you enter in direct chat with them, you have already told them something. If someone mocks you just because you have an high pitched voice, well... Would you want him to be squad partner? _Anubis_
  23. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Most annoying way you have died in DayZ?

    Scanning the horizon on the border of NEAF tower, saw a suspicious moving dot on a far away field and decided to use the bino to watch: still focusing on the dot pressed V instead of B and fallen down with broken bones and lost consciousness while the nearby Z come to investigate and eat... _Anubis_
  24. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    The standalone won't be popular unless

    Acutally considering the amount of hacking going on, dayz nowadays survives ONLY because there are private servers. There are a lot of private servers configured to vanilla dayz setting or a side-arm at maximum at spawn (and you can dump it anyway if you like), where the admins are only watching. Or you get very detailed info about them (e.g. 'the custom base N of Zeleno is admin-owned, stay away from it'). You need luck and patience to find them, but it is worth doing it: private servers are 99% hacker-free. Remember that SA servers won't be different conceptually compared to dayz ones: they need players logged so whatever fills the basket is good. _Anubis_
  25. _Anubis_ (DayZ)

    Have I missed something?

    Stalker, Thief and System Shock series... _Anubis_