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Everything posted by lenyxv3

  1. Hello people,I have a problem which has been bothering me for 2 days. I'm now in balota for 2 days and I'm looting it non-stop with server hopping and I can't find M4A1 and not even 1 mag used for M4A1,so-Did they removed M4 from DayZ Standalone?
  2. lenyxv3

    Did the removed M4A1(M4) in update 0.45

    I have found some mags for AKM,but not even a single AKM
  3. Hi,im looking for a player to play dayz and dayz epoch with me,if you are interested just put your skype name in the comments below!
  4. Hello,i'm inviting someone to play dayz epoch with me.The only thing you need to do is enter the info below in the comments, Name How much have you played dayz When can you play dayz Skype name Your best skill in dayz(scavenger,sniper,scout...) Age How much are you online on skype
  5. Hi,I'm recruiting 1 player to play with me,I'm playing DayZ for a lot of time and i've learnt that it's better to play with someone,so if you are interested replay to this topic by including the info written below. Name Age Country What is your best skill in dayz(scavenging,scouting,fighting,sniping etc.) Your skype name How long are you playing DayZ
  6. Hi,there is a DayZ server with 500+vehicles and good starting stuff,we are new and we would appreciate players.The IP of the server is fun!
  7. SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER DO IN DAYZ Hi,today i'm gonna tell you some things that you should never do in DayZ(by my opinion).The first thing I'm gonna say is you should never do is dont go in highly populated places(Cherno-Chernogorsk,Elektro-Elektrozavodsk,Stary-Stary Sobor,NWAF-North-West Airfield,Berezino,Balota,Balota airfield and Krasnostav airfield)on servers starting from 10 people.So the second thing is when you find a heli(helicopter)crash site and you find an option to enter it,never do it because it's a bug and you will die if you do it.The third thing is don't stay in one hiding spot for sniping for a long time,for example if you are sniping over cherno don't stay on the 1 part of the sniper hill for all the time.The fourth thing is never shoot a gun if you don't need to,especially in towns becuase it will attract unwanted attention and zeds(zombies)and other players will look for you.If you wanna stay alive in towns,1 tip is you should never go on the top of the buildings because everyone can see you there and it's like you are saying i'm a target,come shoot me.The last,but the most important thing is NEVER TRUST ANYONE! All the things I said are,I say again chosen by me and are my opinion so don't send hate comments like this is not the right order.
  8. I have a suggestion for protection vest in DayZ,so here is my idea. The vests would spawn in military loot places and there would be like light vest medium vest light vest etc. The vests would decrease your speed and heavy vest would decrease it the most.The vests would protect you from zombie and player hits so if a player hits you with a pistol in the light vest it would take 50% of the damage without a vest,40% with a medium vest and 30% with a heavy vest(I wont put the damage for the rifles because there are machine guns,submachine guns,snipers etc.).If a zombie hits you then you would take 80% damage with the light vest,70% with the medium vest and 50% with the heavy vest,There would be some vests with camo colors so people would not spot you easily if you are let's say sniping.