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Everything posted by Doxis

  1. I own Arma2, arma2: operation arrowhead, arma2 oa beta but everytime i launch DayZcommander so will this popup "we coulden't find arma0oa" (something like that), would you like to buy the game right now? how do i get it to work? Please Help me Best regards Doxis :|
  2. Does DayZ take more graphic then Bf3? I can max bf3 so i thought i could do the same with arma2? Pc Specs
  3. Works fine now, but there is an delay when i move, the character move after ~1 sec? Like if i press "W" the character starts to move after 1 sec, is it supposed to be like that? I bought them in Steam
  4. This is the message i get from DayZ Commander, i tested what you said @mzly (did not work)