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Everything posted by SilentDeathja

  1. Name : ICSVortex (Jack) Age: 26 Are you in the uk: Yes, London Role in the game: Medic/Recon skype name: I use MSN Skype atm so pm for email. Experience on Dayz: None as of yet, i'm brand new. What can you bring to the team:I have played ofp and arma up to the current. I am experianced in most assualt rifles and prefer to play medic or recon, I can swap and change as per the needs of the group.
  2. Name: ICSVortex Location: London, England GUID : 75686e550f8687021482d8a75d9a2cc8 Well this will be my first game, it looks like a decent server so I would like to give it a shot!