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About xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    my mic is operational Although i can't say the same for my Day Z ...your info isn't valid ...i was banned on false terms so i am no Liar
  2. xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    Calling me a liar ? i am mad enough as is these guys don't deserve another recruit
  3. xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    they wont tell me why ..honestly i don't think they have a reason
  4. xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

    DayZ YouTube Group [Recruiting] [14+] !

    In-Game Name: Colin Age: 19 YouTube Channel(URL): i never made a youtube account ...and i don't plan to Why you would you want to join: i would like to join because i want a clan
  5. xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    Don't join these guys ...i was banned for no reason off they're TS3 ...if that's not immature IDK what is
  6. xbox360soldier21@gmail.com

    Clan/team for Dayz Namalsk and Lingor island.

    Ign: Colin Skype: thefalloutboy221 age: 19 Role(ex:medic,sniper,rifleman,driver,pilot,scout an so on): soldier /scavenger Some sort of dayz knowledge: yes but very basic Side note: my mic isnt working 100% i can hear but not speak