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About TKNinjaz

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, Our Clan is called Cha0s and we a Australian (Victorian Based) and are recruiting experienced dayz players to come and join our clan Send Me and Friend Request on steam: TKNinjaz to apply for a request and MUST HAVE A MICROPHONE AND TEAMSPEAK 3 + Steam to be able to join and Private Message me on: silence.tactics@gmail.com We Need you come support the Coastal Cuties :beans:
  2. Looking for experienced playing in dayz on Chernarus, Lingor Panthera and Taviana to join my clan and have a squad going with a few friends, looking for 3 new members. Hit me up on my email: silence.tactics@gmail.com or add me on steam: Dayz Master (Australians Only) WE NEED YOU
  3. I need to contact an admin but im not sure how There is no website or anything in the server
  4. This just happened again someone please do something
  5. Recently i had been playing on a server called AU/NZ/ANZ herp derp #2 and i was playing for about 3 hours and when i finally found a car me and all the people were suddenly teleported into the ocean and then suddenly the next this was that we were all teleported to cap gavola or however you spell it. Because i had a DMR m9sd ect... i quickly disconnected before the massacre happened. My car and everything in it is still on this server and i would like to keep playing without a fear of suddenly loosing everything. If some admins could please do something like make a public white list without a fee that would be very appreciated. Thanks.