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Everything posted by Hilseey

  1. Hey, I've had this problem on pretty much every game i've played on PC so I know it's not a game based issue, it's something to do with my setup. Basically, as you might be able to see in the picture (http://gyazo.com/e3c3d0964ddddcc2d2d96d113daa83bc) (although it's harder to see in the picture) my problem is that at any kind of range, even very short range, the game looks very bitty if you see what i mean, which makes it very difficult to see anything at range, and make out any kind of detail at all. It's really annoying, as i need to use binoculars or a scoped weapon to see even a few hundred meters or maybe even less. Setup: 8GB Corsair Ram, i3 processor 2.9ghz(i'm thinking this could be the problem as it definitely needs an upgrade, but any explanation as to how a new processor would affect it would be greatly appreciated) and a GeForce GTX 560 Graphics card. I get good frames and all playing on high settings: http://gyazo.com/d2c3db8c829515bb686e944b2ed47691 http://gyazo.com/c3a626c144af726b1069e6c774d0f45f http://gyazo.com/f5c7b6c3f9dd8727f55518c2a4c0374c http://gyazo.com/b1562881230f29bf5bcabe8b0dfd64fc Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
  2. Hi, basically i've had this problem since i've started playing dayz, and it is best represented in pictures. http://gyazo.com/3a2011e6250b4ba273c4d967c9ef1211 Basically, as you can see, things at long distance (Such as the cable below the arrow) are kind of bitty, if you know what i mean, and very hard to see at distance, this counts for vehicles + players etc, so if i see something like that, i usually need to use binoculars/a scope, and this wastes time, and if i don't have bino's then i'm screwed basically. I know in other people's games they can see players from like miles away across towns and stuff, but i can't do this, and it affects my gameplay. These are my ingame settings at the moment, http://gyazo.com/88d0369db24e7c79c6d7f26c3ac84dcf I have 8gb Ram, Radeon 560 Non TI, intel pentium cpu g645 @2.9ghz dual core, 1tb HDD. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  3. Hi, i recently got a new PC and a new Monitor(1680x1050 i think), and i'm not sure which settings i need to turn up/down to fix my problem. my problem is that objects at medium-long range seem to be too sharp, and are hard to distinguish, and the detail at long range is quite poor. you can kind of see what i mean here http://gyazo.com/424...22709cd8c23fa97 and in the middle of the screen just above the fence, there is a dead body, but look how hard it is to see if it has anything on it/if it's a player etc. These are my current settings - http://gyazo.com/ee1...4235dda62e1899f i would really appreciate any help because i want to be able to make out players at a decent range so i can see them, and things like cars or anything really that i see many other people can see really easily. Thanks! Sorry about the colour, i copied and pasted this from another post i put in the wrong area, sorry!
  4. Hi, i recently got a new PC and a new Monitor(1680x1050 i think), and i'm not sure which settings i need to turn up/down to fix my problem. my problem is that objects at medium-long range seem to be too sharp, and are hard to distinguish, and the detail at long range is quite poor. you can kind of see what i mean here http://gyazo.com/424918667fd3322bc22709cd8c23fa97 and in the middle of the screen just above the fence, there is a dead body, but look how hard it is to see if it has anything on it/if it's a player etc. These are my current settings - http://gyazo.com/ee1d1f1824f06c6eb4235dda62e1899f i would really appreciate any help because i want to be able to make out players at a decent range so i can see them, and things like cars or anything really that i see many other people can see really easily. Thanks! (I may repost this in another forum as i think this might be the wrong one, but if you could help i'd appreciate it!) thanks
  5. hi, thanks for your help, but when i do this it still seems like it's too sharp, if you know what i mean? this is what i got when i tried your settings, and look at how hard it is to see the shape of the trees on the side of the hill - http://gyazo.com/ec94fa7469be36d2b08eb5cd04bb8552 it just doesn't seem smooth enough to be able to make any detail at all out, like if i see something in the woods, i'd have to use a scope/binoculars to see what it actually is, or i'd have to run up to it, which is annoying, time wasting and could get me killed :/
  6. but if i lower my resolution won't it go really blurry because it won't match my monitor's resolution?
  7. Graphics card is gtx560 nonTi, 8gb Corsair RAM, intel pentium cpu g645 @2.9ghz dual core. 1tb HDD, not sure of write speed or the cache size etc
  8. Hey, I'm 14, (15 in a month) and despite my age, I'm pretty mature. I play DayZ with this american guy who's 23, and we get along fine, and it's like we're talking to people our own age really. I'm not a squeaky little kid, i feel comfortable talking to people above my age, which i mostly prefer as they are more mature and fun to play with than people my age, as most people my age are actually quite immature; anyway.. I'm from the UK, and would be looking to play with someone hopefully around the same timezone as me (GMT). Also, it would be good if English was your first language. Just re-read this and the way I've written this makes me sound like a complete snob, wow haha, yeah, I'm not like that, sorry about that! So yeah, if you could leave below your age, country, and skype name, i'll add you :) Thanks, sorry for the long post!
  9. Hey, i used DayZCommander to install Namalsk and DayZ Origins, and it doesn't have the triangle next to it saying corrupt or anything, it says they're both installed fine, then i load up DayZ, and try to play either of them, and it just says, 'you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.namalsk, ns_dayz, ns_modules' ive tried redownloading namalsk, and i still have the same trouble. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  10. mm, i deleted the folders, reinstalled and it still doesn't work :/
  11. i think it says like 16 in total, but only 2 come up. i deleted the DZC cache folder, and the namalsk folders, and now im redownloading namalsk through commander, should this fix it?
  12. i've tried joining through dayzcommander (although only 2 servers come up, both with 10,000 ping for some reason) and i've tried joining through the actual server browser in game
  13. yeah all the files are unpacked, and yeah if you mean did i have dayz closed when i installed it then yeah, arma 2/dayz wasn't running while i installed it :/
  14. Hi, I have a Lenovo H420 Desktop PC, and i was wondering if it could run the Radeon HD 6570 Graphics card. Just in case you were wondering, my computer has 4GB of RAM, a 3.3Ghz Quad Core processor, and built in Intel HD graphics card at the moment. (which is awful.) So all in all, my question is, can my computer use this card? as i've heard people saying "check your power supply" "have you got a free slot?" and to be honest, i don't know how to check, and im afraid i may break something if i try. Well, I hope someone can help, and thanks!
  15. Hi, I have a Lenovo H420 Desktop PC, and i was wondering if it could run the Radeon HD 6570 Graphics card. Just in case you were wondering, my computer has 4GB of RAM, a 3.3Ghz Quad Core processor, and built in Intel HD graphics card at the moment. (which is awful.) So all in all, my question is, can my computer use this card? as i've heard people saying "check your power supply" "have you got a free slot?" and to be honest, i don't know how to check, and im afraid i may break something if i try. Well, I hope someone can help, and thanks!
  16. Hilseey

    Can My Computer Run/Use It?

    it said the post got deleted
  17. Hey, i'm running a PC with 4GB RAM, and 3.3Ghz Quad core processor, but with a crappy Intel built in graphics card. i can play on very low settings at about 20FPS, and this is due to my graphics card (i think.) what graphics card should i buy to play DayZ on roughly 30FPS on medium (maybe high) graphics, for about £60? ($95ish) Thanks! (By the way, I know i won't be able to get insane FPS and insane quality for that price, but i just want to be able to play DayZ well enough on half decent graphics without everything looking like a crayon smudge, thanks!)
  18. Hilseey


    thanks for the help guys, but i'm a bit of a noob. how do i check whether my computer will be able to use the graphics card? i was thinking of the Radeon HD 7750? so how can i see if it will be able to go in my computer? thanks
  19. Hi, my friend and I got DayZ, and have been wanting to play together, now last night we were in a server, and he tried to change his interface resolution, and the screen went black and says 'unsupported'. he cannot see the mouse to click on options to change this, so he can't play the game. he can see his desktop and files okay, it's just the game that's bugging out. we tried doing it through going to ArmA2/ArmA2.cfg and changing the resolution in there, but either we're doing something wrong or it doesn't work, as when he saves it, it just loads up again saying 'unsupported'. he's since restarted his computer, and that didn't help, so any help would be greatly appreciated as we want to play! Thanks again.
  20. Hey, i'm a fairly new player, and I think i'd enjoy the game more if i was playing with a partner, so would anyone be up for that? need to have some way of comms (e.g. skype) and from the age of 15-17/18? i'm 15, so yeah. anyway, thanks!
  21. Hi, I'm a new (well want to be) player, but as of yet I can't play DayZ because of the problems I'm having. I downloaded Arma 2 from the Arma website, so I have the retail version of that, but I also have the STEAM version of Operation arrowhead which I bought. Now, I can find a lot of tutorials for steam installation, but almost none for a mixed installation. So, if anyone could give me a step by step guide of how to install DayZ with the retail copy of Arma 2 and steam copy of OA, or redirect me to a topic which does, (sorry if there is already a topic for this) then I would really appreciate it. Thanks, and I hope to see you in game if I ever get this working!
  22. okay, thanks. but now when i try to install the arma 2 patch it just says ARMA2 is not installed on your computer or installation is corrupt,although i spent ages downloading it, and i've ran it to the menu, but it still says that, am i doing something wrong?
  23. what should the paths be? should they both be going to the DayZ folder in my arma OA folder? or what? thanks :)