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Everything posted by Thane_Syphex

  1. Thane_Syphex

    UK Server Looking for New Players

    Absolutely d4nny, the feeling is mutual. Feel free to add me up on Steam to see what I'm up to. My ID is B4RNSY :D
  2. Thane_Syphex

    UK Server Looking for New Players

    Well done for for achieving that Spiker, but why is it so hard for you to grasp that others have had problems? There's more than just me and Nox but we have chosen to say something about it whereas somebody else might not want to. However I fully accept others may not of encountered issues like myself and can deal with that, but again I state it is a FEW that have caused myself to leave not ALL admin! Thanks d4nny and I need all the luck possible because I'm still terrible!! :lol:
  3. Thane_Syphex

    UK Server Looking for New Players

    Round of applause for a standard response from Sgt.Its_them! I wouldn't call it a sanctuary but yes the whitelist does help prevent hackers. Although you are either completely mistaken or in denial about your sever not being home to once globally banned players. I've told you before and I'll tell you again, my cousin received a global ban as his CD key was stolen, he had never hacked, duped etc. He reported it to both Bohemia and Battleye but they were to no avail. He was forced to buy a new key and he still managed to play on your server once his new key was activated. Here's for your kick in the teeth... You must be aware that despite banning someone via their IP address that they can change their IP? All it can take is a reset of a modem an voila, a new IP is provided! So despite being globally banned and the receiving an admin ban, after a new key and IP address, they are back on your server. You boldly state I couldn't accept the ban against Noxious then why was I still playing after he was initially banned and why was I playing after you made your final decision? What I did was mention a few points that I thought hadn't been covered in his ban appeal. This happens in the Waste Lands section of the forum but nobody checks them so that's why I stuck it in the DayZ threads. But full respect went to the whole, "if it's done for one player, then it will have to be done for the next". Also I wasn't told to stfu or piss off, as you put it, for making untrue allegations. It was because I had reported a post you had placed on a locked thread that I thought was uncalled for (as mentioned in my earlier post). The final decision on Nox's ban was ok with me as l could join him on any other server whenever anyway. It made no odds at all. My issue was with some of the admin and the way some issues had been dealt with by them. As for the reddit post, where did Nox say it was "his" server?? He uses the terms, "a few of us use a server", "our servers" and "our own DayZ community". The use of "our" referring to the community which you have supposedly created for your members. The whole thing was blown out of proportion due to Tationica misinterpreting what the initial thread was about. Anyone reading the community map suggestion thread on the forum was aware of what Noxious was trying to achieve with his post. Simply trying to help and offer some form of support to Silver as he single handedly runs the scripting operation. Also you're right people do speak highly of the server, which consists of the map and its features. This is not the issue here. The issue is with some of the people who are admining it and how they treat loyal players with total disrespect. Again I must emphasise that this is only some and not all. Fair play to Spiker in wanting to attract people to the server to make things even more "EPIC" than he already suggests it is, but he must understand that he may not of yet encountered any of the issues above so therefore cannot really pass judgement on them (although he already has). But are his attempts in vain? As from what I hear through the ether is that the DayZ server may not run for much longer due to drop in active players. This may be just a case of Chinese whispers but it is in fact that there has been a drop in players and you at BSM are aware or there won't be talks of dropping the whitelist for PvP weekends would there?
  4. Thane_Syphex

    UK Server Looking for New Players

    WOW... I'm back on the BSM forums!! I agree with the majority of what Nox says here. This is somewhat true. I placed a thread on the forum "vouching" for Nox in attempt for his ban to be reconsidered and Sgt.Its_them proves to be very immature and an outright dick! The thread was locked after a very acceptable response from Tony Villers and Its_them decides to post an immature and uncalled for post. Why??? Because he's an admin and he can! I reported the post because I didn't think that it was fair for him to be able to post a response like that especially when it was locked. This is the response I received in a private message from him..."Dude get the fuck over it Nox is banned and that is the end of it. If you dont like it or anything I say on our forum find another server to play on." This wasn't the first time that an admin has been like this either. I'm sure if you trawl though my posts on the forum you would be able to find where it is. But it was after Its_them and his immature behaviour I could no longer be arsed to even revisit the server. So because of the actions of one admin to one loyal player several others have decided to leave the server. Trojan, I don't think it's a question of what has been changed, but how people have been treated during the time on the server. I can say that a lot of people on the forums had made suggestions that were possibly against the capabilities of the game engine, myself included along with others like LunaWolf and Tony Villers (who doesn't even play the game) but Nox seemed to get the brunt of negative responses. Silver was commended time and time again for he skills and never once knocked for his input. I was playing a server with Nox the other day where he was telling the admins how good Silver was!Also it's also worthwhile remembering that it just wasn't Nox who suggested rewriting Taviana. Silver was also game for this and started a thread about a community custom built map to implement some of the suggestions.A shame it has come to this, because there was some decent guys on the server and some decent admin - Never had a problem with the likes of yourself Trojan and others like Crazy Legs. Always had a good crack with you guys. To all BSM members - Unfortunately, you've got to deal with the negative criticism you're to receive here and if you don't like it, (applies a sarcastic tone) go and read another forum thread.
  5. Thane_Syphex UK 943911541d22590ec29228e77ec3b16c Because this server is meant to be the tits!!