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Posts posted by skyraze

  1. ok. so i tried to read all of the pages for an answer to my problem. I am constantly getting an error informing to set my beserver.cfg password. however, i have done it multiple times.


    I dont know what i'm doing wrong. i've tried everything and asked everywhere. I replaced all the files with fresh files, i tried quoting the password, not quoting, and a ton of other stuff.

    my beserver.cfg looks like this

    maxping 300
    RConPassword changeme

  2. I've been trying to find a thread or topic about making local servers and whatnot, but was unable to find anything. i'm looking to make a small dayz server just for me and 10 others for a lan game. i was unable to find a tool or service that could do such a thing and was wondering if anyone knew any tools or any way of creating a local, lan based, dayz server. if it requires sql or databases, that's fine, i can do that.
