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Everything posted by lunakhod

  1. lunakhod

    Completely revamp Ballistics

    There is wind in the Arma 2 engine already, just no way to measure it.
  2. lunakhod

    Is PvP an American thing?

    PvP is more prominent on US servers because they are the most populated (During US daylight that is). It has nothing to do with player mentality, and PK'ing is proportionally just as prominent on foreign servers. It's a silly idea to even propose otherwise.
  3. lunakhod

    Craziest Thing You've Done in Day Z

    I made a profile named ZEDSTEP and blared Skrillex through direct chat, while running through Cherno throwing empty cans at people.
  4. lunakhod

    8-10 fps constantly

    I'm also an AMD user - you have to go into CCC and edit some stuff. Go to Gaming ---> 3D application settings ---> Tessellation ---> Switch "AMD Optimized" to "Use application settings", 64x for me. Then go to the task manager, and find Arma II in processes. Right click it, and set the priority higher if you need to - do this at your own risk, and only if you know your CPU can handle it. Additionally in-game, ensure your 3D resolution is the same as your monitor resolution. HDR also sucks up a ton of frames for whatever reason, so leave it at the lowest setting. I went from 5 fps (disgraceful) to 40-50 fps (pretty manageable).
  5. lunakhod

    Don't Bother Buying 2nd Copy of Arma 2

    If you want two accounts, you have to make two separate Windows users, and two separate Steam users, and swap between users to access the respective steam account.
  6. lunakhod

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    All credit to Legdiin, healed me up, many thanks.
  7. No one is obligated to be friendly to you, the game is not designed with you in mind. If someone does happen to help, it makes it that much more memorable because of how unlikely it is.
  8. lunakhod

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    There are words I hear that make me instantly stop caring about what a person is saying. Here that word is "realism".
  9. lunakhod

    Quick sniping question

    You just have to estimate - but the golden rule is that the target is always closer than you think. If you're in the middle of a city, like your story, it is rare to have to take a shot farther than 400m. Usually its 200-300m.
  10. lunakhod

    Didnt get the murder?

    Same problem here - didn't get the murder on one of the guys I killed. To be certain I shot his body in the head once to ensure he wasn't still somehow alive, and I got a "BLUE ON BLUE!" message, the game thought it was friendly fire.
  11. No, you run faster with rifles than pistols. Counter intuitive, but that's how Arma works.
  12. lunakhod

    Firearm Safety Button

    There is a safety button, it's called ESC. Never aim a gun at anything you don't intend to destroy.
  13. lunakhod

    Mod needs 2 things.

    DayZ without pvp isn't DayZ. The zombies do not even play a major part within the game currently. If you can't handle the multiplayer, Arma has a lovely campaign you can play. Please stop making these duplicate threads.
  14. lunakhod

    Aging System Suggestion

    How about no? If anything, surviving that long makes you a stone cold killer, and should be a benefit. Implementing an aging system is just silly, especially over these tiny timescales.
  15. Absolutely nothing. Ever since I picked up this M107, it's like I've been married and I no longer have anything fun to do. I miss my CZ550, she was poor - but she got the job done, and took many lives. It was exciting being with her, this M107 has only brought me misery and boredom :( First world problems, I know.
  16. lunakhod

    A Shout Out to the Ladies

    I spawned 27km out from Chernarus in the debug field (Didn't want to respawn, have some phat lewt). I spent three hours running back to the actual world, nearly starving to death in the process (Luckily I keep 3 food, 3 water respectively). I had to jury rig my keyboard to hold down the W key also. Female models seem to do this every now and again, though I'm unsure why.
  17. lunakhod

    Solution to Lack of Weapons

    I'll take my chances with the crossbow, thanks.
  18. lunakhod

    Crows flying around

    I have - I was quite paranoid that a crow was following me, because I know the spectator system for Arma turns you into a bird. I thought I was being ghosted, but I eventually decided it's movements were too complex for a person to do, so it must have just been a passive mechanic (For bandits perhaps?). I'm still uncertain though.
  19. Can't connect? You did something wrong, don't blame the game for your own incompetence and/or impatience. It's fine to say "I'm having trouble, please help?", but this is not acceptable behavior. Please let the door hit your sorry ass on the way out.
  20. You trusted someone you had no reason to trust. You were a fool and the guy who killed you taught you a lesson - it's just a shame it fell on deaf ears, and instead of improving your play; you'd rather whine on the forums about it. Always have the advantage in DayZ. Your trust should be harder to earn, and when you team up with someone it should be on your own terms, not theirs.
  21. lunakhod

    The problem with PvP in DayZ

    "Bandits are OP" thread #9541374141 Why can't any of you be creative? It's just the same regurgitated posts.
  22. The game is in a broken and almost unplayable state at times, we definitely should prioritize dem tents. Especially with dem hackers around. Fixing tents would solve everything.
  23. lunakhod

    Best gun?

    The M4A3 CCO is my choice. It's a rifle that exceeds at both close and mid range fire. The ammo is also common, and it has a flashlight - so you don't have to restrict yourself to something like a G17 because you want the convenient flashlight. It also isn't too loud, which is a bonus.