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About stoplookingoo

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  1. Name: Brandon Age: 15 Time Zone: Pacific Standard Country:North America ( california ) Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Is snow Cold? Preferred Job: Any Honestly. Any available spots Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:I dont really deserve to be in it, but it would be a honor to work with you guys. I play dayZ all the time, and not ashamed.
  2. 1.Age -15 2.Timezone - PST 3.How long have you been playing dayz or arma 2 - year or so 4.what role do you enjoy playing (medic,sniper,gunner.....) - medic / gunner And i already have a clan of 3 people if you or anyone wishes to join. Add me on skype if ur interested. Skype : Controllollo
  3. stoplookingoo

    Looking for Clan/Group to play with

    hey MajrPrivates. We at 6th Syndicate are looking for new players to help learn and play with. We play epoch and aftermatch if your interested. Add me on skype ( quicker ) or PM me via the forums. My skype is COntrollollo ( comes up as Stop Looking)
  4. stoplookingoo

    need a epoch clan

    Come join us At 6th Syndicate. Add me on skype Controllollo
  5. stoplookingoo

    *Official* ☣6th Syndicate Clan☣ { Recruiting }

    Only a few stops left :)
  6. Hello DayZ players. I'm Brandon, AkA StopLooking o.O, and the Founder of 6th Syndicate. The Co-Founder, GIovanni ( who posted the other post, idk why he did tho). We play Arma 2, and 3, DayZ, BattleField 3, and any other games teammates have. You're new to the game or just feel you could learn more? We'll teach you the ropes, basic things like looking, shooting, cover, graphic settings, ect. We'll be really organized in matter of timezone and activity, so no one will be actually withouth playing with the clan as they should actually do. We have most of our players from the US, two from italy, and a few from England. If you'd like to join the clan add giovanni.vita17 ( co- Owner ) Or me, Controllollo ​We will recruit Anyone who wishes to play ( doesn't mean your actually in )lots to none skills needed.Age limit is 14We would be playing on populated servers ( 30+ people )Work as a teamYou need a mic ( duh )​We mostly play Epoch, Over Watch, and DayZero. Epoch mostly tho. We will have serious moments and just fun, friendly, and funny moments. We play as a neutral team, meaning we wont kos, only if the pose a big treat or shoot first. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ"We built it, we're keeping it clean, now and always." Go wise, not rash.
  7. stoplookingoo

    Looking for some people

    I am also very good with PhotoShop. IM not just saying that for a *bump*
  8. Dayz Experience:Been playing dayZ for awhile now Age:14 Do you have a mic? Yes, blue Yetti Do you have Skype or TS3 or Vent: Skype And TS3 ( controllollo is my skype) Class/Role you like to play: Sniper,Point/Scavenger etc. Anything, i perfer sniping tho
  9. stoplookingoo

    Looking for some people

    Hello dayZ players. ive recently got my new ssd and i wanna play some epoch or any mod, only one proplem, i dont have people to play with =/ . Anyone wanna play? Mesage me or skype me About Me: @Build Computer @Live In California @Mature @non-squeaker @Serious at times, funny at other times @ Blue yetti Mic @Some headset @Skype: Controllollo
  10. stoplookingoo

    DayZ epoch, building a base and i need a buddy

    I'm down. Add me On Skype ( Controllollo ) it will come up as StopLooking2O.o
  11. Hello dayZ players. ive recently got my new ssd and i wanna play some epoch, only one proplem, i dont have people to play with =/ . Anyone wanna play? Mesage me or skype me About Me: @I'm 14 @Build Computer @Live In California @Mature @non-squeaker @Serious at times, funny at other times @ Blue yetti Mic @Some headset @Skype: Controllollo
  12. stoplookingoo

    Epoch Anyone?

    Hello dayZ players. ive recently got my new ssd and i wanna play some epoch, only one proplem, i dont have people to play with =/ . Anyone wanna play? Mesage me. About Me: @I'm 14 @Build Computer @Live In California @Mature @non-squeaker @Serious at times, funny at other times @ Blue yetti Mic @Some headset (and idk if this is the right spot for posting this, sorry mods)
  13. only taking few more people
  14. You took Grammer N@zi to a next level making me look like an idiot. Thanks :). and btw, its summer, i'm not worrying about spelling or grammer.