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Everything posted by TheLibrarian

  1. sorry for double post, plz delete
  2. I've tried just about everything to get this working... I can't even connect to my primary server at the moment. And I can't find a legit server inside of the ingame server browser. (Main hive) edit: trying this. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itpronetworking/thread/14fc08fb-f62b-4f86-b59f-d7a4d685b3fe
  3. TheLibrarian

    Join TSoDZ (Steam Group) to be part of something bigger!

    These guys are not to be trusted.
  4. Server Name:US 2891 (Your) Timezone: GMT -8 Date/Time: approx 9:45am Server Administrator('s):TheOne What happened: We were flying in a helicopter, flew over a couple of guys near the coast. Then people with special characters in their name were kicked and banned and there was a message that said, "Goodbye hackers." I was in the helicopter and did not get banned. Sometimes we have to change our ingame names to play without getting griefed, but apparently that doesn't hold true anymore. We use the TMW teamspeak and everyone on there will tell you that sometimes it is necessary to change your name in game. Evidence/Proof [Required] :
  5. TheLibrarian

    Pepsi or Cola? Just interesting

    I only drink that nasty red can of stuff when it's the only thing available. I prefer water, but pepsi is definitely the good stuff.
  6. TheLibrarian

    What do you do in DayZ?

    Cody's hardmode: High pop server, no weapons at all, help players. Doesn't matter if they are bandits, help everyone you see. Or at least attempt it. Milk Run: Spawn in Kamenka. Run the entirety of the rail road tracks to berezino without eating or drinking. When you arrive in Berezino get food and drink. Quad Flip Competition: Get 2 ATV's + one friend. See who can take a bridge at full speed and survive.
  7. Everything is in the video. We coaxed him into giving us vehicles as evidence.
  8. TheLibrarian

    Does anyone even play public hive anymore?

    Still playing public hive. And hackers are pretty funny. The small joys I get out of destroying stuff they spawn in. It actually keeps me in the game.
  9. I have looked at the cans in the game, there is no pop top. My imagination isn't that good.
  10. [FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle Serious problems with this. I eat and drink in a vehicle all the time while driving. Should make it a scroll menu option to eat food or drink what is in your primary inventory. Also, we should have to have a can opener to open certain types of cans. Or just have a knife. I don't know about you but I can't open a can with my bare hands. Maybe with a rock... or the hunting knife.
  11. TheLibrarian

    Even a friendly one is unacceptable.

    His username is in the video. You have to watch the whole thing in order to catch it. I also state the time approx.
  12. How fast does your hard drive spin? Or rather, how is the seek time?
  13. Private hive servers are not any better. Admins kicking you or restarting the server immediately after they get killed, or kicking people and then locking the server when they don't get their way. It's really a terrible thing. I'm looking at you EV401
  14. TheLibrarian

    Cody's Hardmode.

    I was killed by a hacker about a week ago. This experience did not sour me of DayZ, but made me rethink the way I was playing. So, I present to you, Cody's Hardmode. I carry no gun. Not even in my pack. I have a hatchet on my toolbelt but I will only pull it out if I NEED it to save YOU. If you are being chased by zekes, I will do my best to get their attention. I will escort you out of Elektrozavodsk, the city I have made my home. I will not shoot at you or attack you or do anything but make sure you have enough food, drink and health to get out of the city and on your way. I have been killed five times since I switched my play style to this. I will get killed numerous times in the future I am sure. I will stand and salute any bandit that chooses to fire on me. I have nothing to lose, just my own humanity to gain.
  15. TheLibrarian

    Cody's Hardmode.

    I started to carry weapons at the beginning of October. I still will not approach a player armed, unless they catch me unaware. I have joined Trusted Medics of the Wasteland and as such at times I must carry a firearm. Here is a video of my attempting to make contact with some players. http://www.youtube.c...ed/VhpgAqKXCYA
  16. TheLibrarian

    Looking for a friend

    Nips, if you are in need of some help learning about DayZ contact Trusted Mentors of the Wasteland! http://trusted-medics-ofthe-wasteland.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?2
  17. NikGamer, I sent you a private message.
  18. TheLibrarian

    New to Arma and Dayz. Looking to learn some things

    I think that you would benefit from Trusted Mentors of the Wasteland. They are a part of Trusted Medics of the Wasteland and are more than willing to help you. The link follows http://trusted-medics-ofthe-wasteland.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?2
  19. Stoka gave me a ride the other day. Pretty amicable when I met them. And definitely appreciated it.
  20. TheLibrarian

    Why are we here?

    That's the question for all of humanity isn't it? Why are we here?
  21. TheLibrarian

    Logging in, always at an hourglass that will not move

    Tell a medic where you are, it will still tell you when you login, since you are at a spawn location one of us should be able to locate you. I'm not available at the moment or else I myself would help. All it will take is an epi-pen or two. TMW teamspeak: ts.dayzmedics.com
  22. TheLibrarian

    Thinking of becoming a full-time city dweller

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79422-codys-hardmode/ Good luck! I die a lot but sometimes I get a good interaction!
  23. TheLibrarian

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Go ahead and give me a shout if you need help. I'm up on duty.
  24. Dude doesn't like surprises.