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Posts posted by Pro_Sneak

  1. I don't understand how people can like 24/7 daytime. For one it's incredibly fun to play at night time, and two when you find nightvision it's like YAY I FOUND AN AWESOME ITEM THAT'S USELESS BECAUSE OF THE 24/7 DAY TIME. Someone needs to make a 24/7 night time server, that'd be interesting.

    always up for a change, but some people dislike night time servers unless they have NVG's. TBF without them your pretty much useless, hence we play 24/7 day unless the majority of people want it changed :)

  2. No probs. I've PM'd a guy called Amber Helios, he's more knowledgable than me with this sort of thing so it's worth a shot. He's offline now but he's around a lot so you shouldn't have to wait too long :). If he doesn;t come back on tonight he should be around tomorrow, I've given him the link to your thread, good luck!

    Haha well hopefully if he see's this, I've gone to bed :) but I'll be on again no doubt tomorrow to try and solve it. He can always PM me too if needs be :)

  3. You can just copy and paste, as long as it's the same file it should be ok. Not sure about the read only thing TBH.

    Also, read this first, it's a fix I found that was posted a few days ago:

    "Ok i managed to update it somehow, here is what i did. Hope it works for you to, so first navigate through your arma 2 folders to find battleye uninstall program, uninstall it, and then go to dayzcommander, and reinstal the latest patches for both arma 2 and dayz. Now go into the game, try to join a random server, and when it says updating exit the lobby (before update succesful), and then rejoin again. It said updating, then updating succesful and finnaly initializing battleye 1.186 "

    unfortunately the error message occurs straight after the DayZ loading screen before I reach a lobby. However when the message does occur it also says "waiting for host..." in the background

    I dont know if this is relevant but when I reinstalled the ArmA 2 patch I realised there seems to be some kind of error hidden in the background


    I've circled it in red :)

  4. Ok, try this. Make sure the new BE files you downlaod to update it are placed in the "ARMA2 > BATTLEYE" folder AND the "ARMA2 Operation Arrowhead > Expansion > Battleye" folder. I think when you update it manually the same new file has to be placed in both of those folders. Worth checking.

    Edit, Also check your anti-virus software isn't stopping it. Are you using Avira by any chance?

    Shall I also change both CLIENT's to read only?

    and do i drag/drop the first one, then copy and past into the other file? or download again and drag/drop into the other file?

    EDIT: Nope, i'm not using Avira. AVG but I did trial Ad-aware a couple hours before the problem occured, but I could still join servers no problem with it installed.

  5. Regarding your firewall I guess it's worth a look. I'm honestly not sure on the finer details of how it works but it's worth a go.

    apparently my firewall isn't active. I'm totally stumped, I've checked commander forums, battlEye FAQ's and nothing seems to do the trick. I'm really at a loss here. I bought ArmA specifally for DayZ and only managed to get 2 weeks worth of play out of it :L

  6. I'm not sure what to suggest if you've tried all of those steps TBH. I had a similar issue once and I'm desperatly trying to remember the fix I used.

    I think I had to start up DayZcommander and change one of the settings. The problem I had was that DayZ Commander was rolling back my BE version on startup so even if I manually updated as soon as I started Commander it would roll back to a previous version.

    The solution was to change the settings, then manually update and then start Commander again. I'll have a look now and see if I can find the setting.

    thanks man, I'll have a little fiddle with some settings too. Never occured to me that Commander could be rolling back the updates. Lemme know if you find anything promising :)

    EDIT: bit of a bummer really :| I'm sure i've been replacing the files in the correct place. any chance theres a firewall potentially stopping BattlEye from starting?

  7. BEFORE everyone replies saying search it, this has already been answered and all that shit I HAVE; but nothing seems to be working for me.

    as the topic title says.

    I've tried manually updating the files 3/4 times, this didnt work, i then read somewhere that i had to change the CLIENT file to read only... didnt work

    I've uninstalled DayZCommander 3/4 times, didnt work.

    I've uninstalled ArmA: OA and reinstalled, ran it once (for the CD key) BattlEye still fails.

    I've tried launching VIA playwithsix, this also didnt work (however i would still like to use DayZCommander, i just prefer the interface)

    any help would be much appreciated!
