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Everything posted by Rassin

  1. I play the most oft the time with a friend. And yesterday we learn to play with the new patch We have need some time to learn how the "NEW" Zombies respond. But after a time we have learn that. And we think that the Zombies reaction in are very good. Because ift they take look at us, then we have to be very careful. And if they dont look at us then we can go faster. And now with we start from scratch again. Besause the reaction of the zombies are diffrent again. And after a time we dont know waht we make wrong. The Zombies see us like in ok. But when they dont look at us then they heard us. That means if we want to go into a town then we can 90% of the time crawl to the buildings. THAT MAKES NO FUN. What i try to say is that the Zombies in was a challange and we have be very careful. An now in its no challange its impossible. More over we was going in a house and then zombies wat glitching trough the wall! @rocket: please make the Zombies how in Because then we can for example creep up to a zombie from the rear and hit him then with a ax or a corwbar.
  2. Rassin

    bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons ERROR

    I have verify the gamedata under properties in steam. And then it works :)
  3. I have the same problem how ixam :(