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About Hop_Salot

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Extremely satisfied with my server purchase. Couldn't be any happier (unless the map tool allowed me to edit vehicle inventories and building loot tables as well ;)) "Seriously Instant" Indeed! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  2. I've already bought a new server with DayZ.st... Instant Setup (like, the moment I clicked the Pay Now button). Go figure. <_< I'm not going to go comparing the two, but one works, and one doesn't. I'm going to continue paying for the one that works.
  3. Wednesday afternoon and we're still eagerly awaiting the map tool we've heard so much about... At least give me a screen shot! :rolleyes: [Edit] Alright, well, it's a little after 5 PM (PST) on Wednesday and no updates yet. Please do yourselves and us a favor and don't quote times if you can't stand by them. I understand that things in this business can be unpredictable and with lots of fresh orders you've probably got your work cut out for you... But I'd rather know that you're unsure about when things will be done than be sitting around waiting.
  4. @ninja! I ordered mine a few days ago, took about 24 hours to get up and running. I hope you have some experience running other servers, because I think I'd be going insane right now if I didn't fix some problems by myself. My customer service experience has been friendly, but expediency doesn't seem to be their forte just yet... Though this is my first experience with a DayZ server to begin with, so for all I know this may be "normal". I'm looking forward to seeing if they actually hold up to their "Monday/Tuesday" promise on the Map Tool... This will make or break my DayZ hosting decision, so we'll see. Good luck with your server :-) Edit: @SS: So it's 6 PM Pacific and it is tuesday, my server is running wonderfully but no word on the Map Tool yet. What timezone are you guys in? (no sarcasm intended, I'm just wondering if your Monday/Tuesday is the same as mine)
  5. I sure hope so! I'm looking forward to some more user-friendly control. Please keep us updated. What kind of features can we expect from the map tool?