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Posts posted by demidos123@hotmail.com

  1. I was ontop of a roof when the server restarted. When I got back I was down on the ground, dead. But still able to see if that makes any sese. I thought it was just a temporeraly bug so I aborted and tried again. But the problem presisted. After a while I decided to try and respawn, but when I click it nothing happens. It doesn't matter what server I'm on, nor how many times i try to abort and reconnect. I remain dead but unable to respawn.

    Can anyone help me with this problem?

  2. I kinda agree with this suggestion. Not to make food and soda n' such ONLY spawn in the stores. But perhaps reduce the spawning chance for food and water in apartment buildings. And prevent them from spawning everywhere else, like fire stations and army bases. It would make hunting more populare and perhaps draw people out of the big cities.

  3. The idea of trapping your backpack sounds awsome, and I think it would really add some more depth into the game. Same when you can hide your gear elsewhere than in tents. As I've been burned on that several times allready. Where I make a camp I think is hidden, I fill it up with goodies I collect. Only to have it raided when I return. It's really hard to hide a tent since I could only pitch it on very, very flat terrain that is very in the open. So to have proper hidding places would be awsome.
