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tg marksman x

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Everything posted by tg marksman x

  1. tg marksman x

    US 360 Admins tents.

    I'm not entirely sure you are in full control of your actions, or if this is your nerd-rage response to being caught out. Let me see if I can clear a few things up for you.......... nice and slow like: Chopper is circling your camp 'protecting it' Chopper is flown by 'hackers' who, are in no way related to your clan, but they seem to care immensely about your tents Chopper is engaged by player Player is engaged by chopper Player alt F4's away from combat with said chopper Chopper crew ban player Lets go back to item number 2 from here: Chopper is flown by what you guys claim is 'hackers'. Now back to item number 6: Player is banned from server by chopper crew So, as you can see (nice a clear like) the player that alt+F4'd was banned from the server by hackers. Correct? Keep in mind that this conclusion was drawn from the words of you lovely fellows. Any server administrator worth his salt would not associate with hackers "Fighting fire with Fire". He would review his scripts log, and forward the information onto those with the power to do something.
  2. tg marksman x

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Then how did the dude get banned for combat logging after engaging the chopper? If it wasn't you useless fucks, why does the 'hacker with a chopper' have admin rights to your server? Sure fire way for you to get blacklisted right there. Knowingly allowing a hacker access to your server files........ So you guys DO knowingly allow a hacker to exist on your server? Is this the same one that has admin rights? Regardless of who you guys are supposed to be with your 1337 tags, I don't think the teleport accusations are linked to the server admin - but linked to the hacker that your deadshit clanmate has admitted to allowing on your server. You guys need to get on TS/Vent/Mumble and get on the same page so that your lies at least lay the same way.
  3. tg marksman x

    US 360 Admins tents.

    ^^ This champ says it's not your chopper ^^^ This guy says it is ^^^ But then he says it isn't..... If you are going to lie, at least have a proper crack at it.
  4. tg marksman x


    Not the case. Using the old way of restarting the server (BECon) it would say session lost. Now however using the Game Control Panel when you restart the server it will do the "no message received" thing instead.
  5. Camo (seems to) work fine on my HFB server (aside form the fact that we can't find any) - people are able to join whilst wearing it.
  6. tg marksman x

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    You're a retard. The error has f*all to do with you losing your weapon.
  7. My name is Ghost and I run a DayZ server - without asking for community donations.
  8. tg marksman x

    Don't mean t be a party pooper.

    If they have the same servers host as me (being an Atlanta server) you can be sure that they will find themselves without a server shortly.
  9. tg marksman x

    S.T.A.R.S Clan Needs to come talk to me.

    He is such a dick. There's a thread of his around here some-place that would support my statement.
  10. tg marksman x

    Map Nomalsk

    I have seen this map. It would make the perfect DayZ world - the atmosphere is awesome.
  11. tg marksman x

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    You sure you have the right email address? Because I am definitely receiving them and I also run an Atlanta server. What about the rest of my post? Have you done anything like that at all?
  12. tg marksman x

    We found a camp on chicago 39

    You guys know that there is an editor where you can practice not being able to hit the broad side of a barn?
  13. tg marksman x

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    Your funny. There was a mass email, like 3 of them. Not sure what's wrong with you server, mine is fine. Have you been locking it? Or lowering the max player limit? There were emails sent out saying that if you do either of those things you are going to receive the raw end of the stick. You should probably attempt to raise someone over live chat on the HFB website.
  14. tg marksman x

    Anyone frequent Atlanta 11 and see a chopper?

    I believe that the actual comment was that only the original few servers had choppers, and no new servers would get them until they could solve the de-sync issues.
  15. tg marksman x

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Just happened to me - even though I haven't changed a single thing since logging out last night. 23km's to the nearest tree. Going to be a long walk.
  16. tg marksman x

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    Mines working. Have you tried using the live chat?
  17. tg marksman x

    I played today the first time and.......

    2. Engine limitation. 3. Exhaustion. Stop sprinting and crouch run - you might survive a while. 4. There are melee weapons in the mod 6. You can kill animals. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page ^^ Have a read.
  18. tg marksman x

    More Like Admin Abuse

    ^^ Exactly. People on my server are always complaining that I don't announce prior to a restart. I can't announce a restart if I'm not there.
  19. tg marksman x

    "SG" Team using the hospital roof glitch

    I would of thought that too - but people (i can't) still seem to be able to speak in side and global on my server (even though it is & requires the beta).
  20. tg marksman x

    NY14 Admin abuse or hacking

    But an admin couldn't of possibly done it unless he was a hacker. So you could just put hacker and be done with it.
  21. tg marksman x

    Germany 23 NW HUGE CAMP...

    Nice low res textures there chief. Tight arse bandit. Do yourself a favour and buy the DLC.
  22. tg marksman x

    NY14 Admin abuse or hacking

    Why is it the admins? We have the power to: talk kick ban lock set max ping FUCK ALL ELSE. I am an admin, and I don't hack. Stop labelling us as hackers.
  23. tg marksman x

    My ATV disappear

    Vehicles don't always come back after a restart, and require a second one for them to turn up. Go back and check today.
  24. tg marksman x

    Servers, lack of

    Feel free to jump in our server.
  25. tg marksman x

    6.2 %

    Given that hundreds of characters have died from mass server killings, the numbers a worth nothing at the moment.