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30 Good

1 Follower

About Gibson98

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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  1. I am an experienced DayZ player from the UK looking for a group to play to get back into the game. I don't mind what kind of DayZ you wish to play I enjoy all of them, however I would prefer a more serious play style in game but I don't mind where you are from! Message me if you are interested!
  2. *JSRS and CBA a currently being sorted by our team via signature checks (Soon to be done) *There is not a single custom Building on the map *The Vehicle Max at the moment is 35 (1 littlebird and 1 Huey) *The side chat is on due to request but we do rid of the whining sods on the Side chat, as the majority of players are friendly and enjoy the immersion It would Great to be have you and, we do our best to be as vanilla as possible!
  3. Nice to see working now!
  4. Sahrani looks interesting! Could be great with the reliability and speed of the HFB servers! From the Brains of Britain admin team