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About Anti-zed

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, (as a player/non-server admin) Is there a way to view a server's config files? There's a server I play on that I suspect has modified vehicle strengths/armor values, but I am not sure. Is there way for me to view the raw cfg files not being the admin? - Anti
  2. Liking the server - free bump
  3. -Name: Anti -Location: USA -GUID: 884c9c19cc957d0b59a69c6930e6214a - Reason: Been looking for a whitelist to move too as my home server community wants to stay public - too many hackers on public servers & I have friends on this server. I am an active community member of http://xstreemstudios.com & the admins can vouch for me. Thanks!