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About speedy6617

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  1. speedy6617

    Hacker on Norway 17

    And then unbanned. Thnx admin.
  2. speedy6617

    Hacker on Norway 17

    And now i got banned. This was weird.
  3. I think this is fun. They athleast give us some idea of what they are doing to make the game work. Ok. So we wont see the standalone yet. But it makes the waiting a bit easier for most people. And since they actually are working on this. Maybe we will get some more teasing pics too. Hey. For all we know it will come out by the end of the month.
  4. Niiice. Then maybe we will see some tests soon.
  5. Never say never. Can they manipulate the server so it spawns items and so on it aint that big a deal to manipulate the server so it injects commands back to his computer. It whould be nice to see his packetlogs from when he got nocked unconcius. It is not the first case i have seen.
  6. I will try this one more time. Since the thread about the mod update is locked. Is there any news or updates for the dayz mod?
  7. Greetings from Norway and keep up the good work on the standalone guys. But i have a question for u guys. Is there coming any updates and news on the Mod soon?
  8. speedy6617

    Hacker on Norway 17

    Looks like the admins have noticed my post. Mutch more quiet there now:)
  9. Please check logs on Norway 17. Have been harassed by several hackers on this server lately. Ranges from teleporting to spawning of objekts.