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Everything posted by Jäeger

  1. Jäeger

    Is the mod dead?

    Rocket said next update will come after gamescon, or w/e event he's at
  2. Why isn't this stickied btw? I mean BIS and Dayz is supporting it so it's kinda an official event, but most people don't even know this is happening.
  3. Looking forward to it, but its really fuckng late. Will the gamebreaker show start at 6pm or earlier?
  4. So bandit and hero skins were added in the last patch without it being in the patchnotes. Were any other skins added with that patch? Today I killed a guy right after I logged in, and the dude was wearing a full woodland kit with a helmet, but all of his other gear seemed to be legit. (although high-end) I have to say I thought it was a hacker at first, but then I thought of the hero skin and all of that stuff. Anyone know? Here's a screenshot:
  5. Jäeger

    New military skin?

    Lol at you getting your panties in a bunch over my humanity. That wasn't what the thread was about. I logged in to check on a truck i saw yesterday, and that dude was trying to repair it. I got killed by his sniper buddy on the hill behind me after looting, then ran back hoping they would still be there. Why would I lie dumbass? To the other guys in here: Thanks for the answers, but you all don't seem to agree. I'll assume they are hacked in unless they get confirmed to be legit.
  6. Jäeger

    DayZGame graphics...

    Link to interview?
  7. Jäeger

    DayZGame graphics...

    Where did you see that? Really disapointing if true.. I was expecting it to run as a mod atleast until arma3's release, then take assets from a3 and use it in dayz on the same engine.
  8. Jäeger


    Looks like a nice addition. Don't like scroll menu commands tho, hope we can keybind the whistles.
  9. Jäeger

    My experience of DayZ mod...

    Well I don't know, it's a tricky question.. I've been thinking about it alot, but I can't see a single reason why they would want to release a half finished build to the public. The devs must be fucking retarded for releasing a game without testing it. I remember seeing this alpha tag everywhere when I got the game. I obviously dont know what it means.. I don't think its important, but can anyone tell me?
  10. Jäeger

    Dismemberment in standalone?

    VBS2 has it, but I don't know how detailed it is. I've only seen a 2 sec clip of it in the trailer. Not sure if a VBS3 is planned with the new engine release, but something tells me that if vbs2 gets it added with an update, arma 3 will have it by default. @1.35
  11. I've probably spent more time in Warfare BE these last 3 years than in any other game. You should all try it out if you haven't.
  12. Jäeger

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    I think it's to early to do any big changes to weapons without it having a negative effect. The main problem now is duping, so if the droprate of 50 cals were lowered, the dupers would still be sniping just as much as before - While legit players would have less to counter them with. The second problem is alt+f4. A lot of the snipers will just alt+f4 the second they realize someone is closing in on them, or hop servers after each kill. Fixing duping and altf4 would increase the risk of sniping the populated areas, so I'm pretty sure the number of snipers would go down. A change I would like to see tho, is making the droprate of the m24 higher than the dmr and 50 cals. That would also balance it out abit. Edit: didn't read the entire thread before i posted. I see that the duping topic is covered.
  13. Jäeger

    It's coming ............

    Might not be. Fallout online had beta signups on their site years ago. Never saw anything release there did we? Warz is probably coming tho, but I find it suspicious that the beta is announced to be right around the corner, yet their website has NO info about the game. All we've seen is a couple of screenshots from a press release and some concept art, which they stole from walking dead and photoshopped. I know I come across as negative on this, but I would think we'd have loads of info and some flythrough videos by now if the beta is like 1 month away. Besides, not many games go for beta after 1 year in development. It all just sounds fishy.
  14. What's your youtube channel? Curious about that firefight
  15. The game needs a shout function imo. Whats the range of direct chat, 20m?
  16. http://www.gamebreaker.tv/pc-games/crazy-for-day-z/ Here's the BFF report on DayZ by MikeB from zam.com/gamebreaker.tv
  17. Fucking idiot... People do get banned for this in nearly every other game out there.
  18. Jäeger

    How do you use direct voice chat?

    Is direct chat working with the newest beta patch tho? Me and a few buddies are playing together on beta patch servers and we cant see eachothers text when we type in direct chat.