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Posts posted by Murtsley

  1. The modders, well developers now should make a character customization menu, that would give the game some depth, but to give us the ability to make our own models would be even better, but make it sow everyone on the server downloads each others models if the server creator accepts it, if not then it would be a random character, but make a load of the default models so people don't look the same, or you will get the awkward moment of shooting your friend instead of a dick if the nameplate doesn't show.

    Following clothes should defiantly be put in:

    Sheriff Clothes,

    Army Woodland Clothing thingy,

    Suit variation of colour,

    Prisoner clothes,

    And some other ones, but the point still stands, if you can't choose how your face looks like at least give us enough freedom to either import a model or give us character creation, that way everyones character is personal, makes you stand out and makes you look more baddass.

    Thanks guys!


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  2. why is it your mission to try in prove that i am a 14 year old? do u have nothing better to do? Guess not. Okay i would stay here and chat with you but im gonna go rob a little kid or two, maybe ill even steal from that 80 year old blind guy down the block, yea thats it, im so hardcorrrrrrreeeeeeeee

    I'm 14 You need to learn this is PC it's not acceptable, everyone here is mature and grown up, mom jokes are not acceptable in this community, go back to XBOX, or PS3.
