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20 mins after Cherno spawn
Why going north is way better than camping at the coast and having a deathmatch all the time
potapmisha replied to Toperek1990 (DayZ)'s topic in Gallery
Nice video man :beans: You're a pretty lucky man I see. I'm always travelling far north and last days I met only two men though they were trying to kill me. -
Hello everyone. I'm not sure that I selected correct subforum for this topic, if it will be looking better somewhere else, please move it. Now to the point. After long rest I've decided to try DayZ again. Before this I've been playing last time about half year ago. I thought: "Many things could become better after this time!". And it is, for example, some very stupid bugs were removed. But I spotted a loot issue that I didn't seen before. For example, in police stations you can find A LOT of Makarovs (apx. 3-5 per one), but no mags for it! Literatully, Makarov mags are very common in military barracks, but I've never seen any in police stations. Same thing with many other mags. It's just unreal to find an AK74 mag. I've looted about 15 barracks and still dot't have even one. Sometimes I have 3 AKs, hundreds of 5,45 cartriges and no mags in one barrack. It's a bit stupid and unrealistic, don't you think? Only good source of this mags is Mi-8 crash, but they are very uncommon. And the same problem with much more weapons, e.g. Spotter or SKS. So we need more mags!
Sent you a message.
Sunset near Pavlovo.
Agree with you. Mags should spawn in the same place with guns. Not necessary in same loot stack. but if AK spawns in barracks - AK mags should too. If Makarov spawn in police station - .380 ammo and mags should be there too.
Last few times I've been looking for them at mil base in the forest on north (near Kamensk), it's not oftenly visted by players esp on empty servers (all doors were closed). But ok, I'll look more attentively. Whatever it's still a big problem with police stations. You can find a lot of entry level weapons on them (Makarov, PM63, shotguns) but not mags for them. Makarov mags are only spawn at military barracks as I have seen. So I should take Makarov at start and then run to mil base to get mags? Sounds a bit stupid. It's tricky for fresh spawns.
May be I'm just unlucky man but I usually find only trash or nothing on them.
I've seen this (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172276-the-communitys-list-of-suggested-weapons-for-dayz-standalone-important-announcement-read/) thread... What do people suggest? Many Russian and Soviet weapons, it's good. But where in real post-soviet poor state you can find weapons like M240, M249, M134, M14, G3A3 and more west weapons? You want another Breaking Point with ACRs, Mk17s in damn Chernarus? We need to add more and more soviet weapons, but not west! Maybe some common weapons can be added, like Remmington shotguns and rifles, but not high level military guns.
Let's remember helicrashes in version and older. That was legendary place with ultra rare military loot - FN FALs, .50 cal. rifles, PP-19, and much more. I remember I was found at least one FAL on every crashsite. And what's now. You're lucky if you found even M16 on this. I was found only two rare guns on it last month - RPK and SVD. This is on Mi-8 crashes. On UH-1Y crashes I saw only 1-2 M4 variants and food/medical supplies. Where is ultra rare guns? I remember old times... We was traveling on the north of map, looking for helicrashes, because we knew - we'll find at least one sweet gun on it. And what's now? If I see helicrashes' black smoke, I think that I don't need to loot it, because I'll spend 10-15 minutes and find only beans and painkillers. My suggestion - return crashsites' loot chance to patch state. Without M107 and AS50 of course. Repeat
No NATO equipment in Chernarus? LOL. If you want to remove NATO weapons from DayZ, you have to add a lot more Russian weapons, like all AK variants, machineguns, sniper rifles (KSVK, VSS Vintorez, and more rifles like SVU that not currently added even to Arma), more hunting rifles, like SKS and more, more, more... I hope we will see this in SA, but now we can use NATO stuff. It was in DayZ since the earliest patches, let's don't change this in mod. We (and devs too) will have a lot of problems.
Mi-8 uses as cargo carrier too. Really, UH-1Y should be replaced with plane, or NATO cargo helicopter like CH-47 (Chinhook). But for now we don't even have normal loot on crashsites...
If you want more realistic, you can imagine that choppers was carrying weapons. Or it gonna be replaced with C-130Js. But random locations is the best way to rare weapon spawn
And powerful military guns will be finally limited - helicrashes' loot spawns only once after restart and it not it all could be found
Auto walk? You're so lazy... Turn on your brain, or make a macros if you can't find out something like this :D http://lvkr.ru/k3RJwE
If people will get only basic gear on state military object, they will travel all around the map to find crashsites. And crashsite hunting will be more dangerous. Because now you know that chance of meeting a man in the center of the map is minmal. Most people looting arifields and camps. And how do we travel now? Careless. Just running trough the forests and fields. But if people will walk there more often... Traveling on the map will be more interesting. You know that most people is not on the regular Elekro/Cherno - Stary - NWAF route, but looking for crashsites and with the same chance could be everywhere. You will be careful, you will check probably sniper spots. I think this will make game more hard and interesting.
Everyone knows where is barracks. And I saw the servers where big clans using it like a weapon factory. You can't do it with crashsites because loot on them spawns only once after restart. barracks gives rare loot to everybody who comes, crashsite - only for 1-2 men who came first
You don't got the point. If I'll run 2-3 times between NWAF and Stary, I'll get loot like: full toolbelt, Czech/Coyote pack, ultra rare gun (like SVD/M40A3 and even LMG), lots of ammo maybe rangefinder and even NVGs. But if I'll spend several hours to find the crashsite, I'll find only some medicals and food. Where is justice?My suggestion is - if you're just looting NWAF and Stary, you'll get only basic loot - regular rifle, backpack (like British Assault), not more. If you want to get some more, like you need to find crashsites, because it's harder than just loot barracks
That's all conditionally enough. Maybe for more realistic UH-1Y should be replaced with C130J or other huge aircraft. But ultra rare weapons should spawn on it. For me and much more other players one on the main tasks in game - find ultra rare loot. This is really interesting - traveling in the unknown places, discovering new locations... But for now it's three main points for this - NWAF, Stary and NEAW (vehicles). You can just run between Stary and NWAF and in 2-3 trips you'll get the loot of your dream. I think that in this places you should get basic equipment - AKM/upgraded M4, regular backpack, better tools like GPS (very low chance). If you want something more, you need to go to helicrashes. Maybe some more random locations will be added later, but now let's start from this
That's another talk. That's really wrong that fresh spawn in Elektro can find DMR or smth and go to Dobry to kill other fresh spawns. I think that on the fire stations and deer stand should spawn only AK variants and some M4s (without silencer/HWS/GL and other rare modules). But helicrashes is not that. Let's compare. Barracks: static place, every noob can get there and get tons of military gear Crash site: randomly spawns all around the map. You have to walk in the empty areas, where's no lootable places kilometers away. You have to take a lot of food and drink because looking for crash site can take 1-2 hours and even more. And when you finally find it...you'll see some beans and morphine. Awesome loot.
Ahahah cool video man. But why you was on Ural and other ones was on V3s?
Аффтар жжот пеши есчо (Very good. Waiting for more series)
Sorry for stupid question...but how to make this window full-size back?
We (me, my friends Vanya and Nikolay) was playing DayZ together. Serveral day - flying on chopper, collecting loot, scaring noobs on coast... Nicolay was killed on NWAF. Nothing strange. He was spawned in Kamenka, we took him to chopper and flew to our base. We're flying over forest. I'm shooting from machinegun (Huey chopper). Just for fun, don't aim at anything. Nicolay (in Skype) -Don't spend ammo for nothing! Me -We don't use it anyway Chat message: McMillan was killed "Ah, another noob was slain by zeds" I thought. But... (Chat message) McMillan :"Stupid cheaters on chopper killed me in forest. I hope admin 'll ban you, maphackers D:" I'm very sorry McMillan, I hope you aren't resent for this :D
That's unbeleivable, but that happened...
potapmisha replied to potapmisha's topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
I tried to make this in original Arma2 editor... Arma2OA isn't launching, I was deleted it and downloading new now. That's a video about I shooting 3-4 mags from PM to UH-1Y, getting angry and taking it down with AK107 PSO. But that's first version anyway :D