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Everything posted by Curtner

  1. XMG Group Is looking for new members! Pretty much we enjoy some DAYZ we even play the normal ARMA 2 and we love to screw around once in a while Our information is posted on my Sig!
  2. some of my XMG buddies had issues with Steam when it was check to lunch with the game and just in case hit re install everything
  3. Curtner

    Getting Blood Solo

    I just kill someone and take there Blood :D or go to a hospitals
  4. Curtner

    DayZ Graphics

    Ya I just tested that out I see a difference or unless your video card sucks I'm Running a Dual 7770 ASUS's
  5. Hero type of guy who jumps in saves them and shoots him later when the guy he saves becomes a Banit
  6. I ask if there friendly if they got a banit mask I Either Run or shoot :D PS Mainly shoot !