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Everything posted by MrCmurder

  1. MrCmurder


  2. So, I got tired of reading some of the same old questions being asked in the forums so I thought I would try to get a different discussion going. So times are changing, and the uncertainty of the future is always there. But do you think that in the case of some sort of apocalypse, nuclear disaster or civil unrest in your country or state or wherever you live, that having played DayZ that you would be better prepared? IE, head straight to a gun shop, or hospital or grocery store? I just thought of this while waiting in my own apocalypse, (waiting for the gf to do shopping LOL). Figured this could be a fun topic to discuss and get people's thoughts. Sorry in advance if this has been a topic before.
  3. So I have a map and have been running foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, is there a way to get a marker on the map to show where exactly I am so I know which direction to head? Ive literally been running for about 45 mins now and haven't run into anytown or anything, I didn't even know that was possible! lol
  4. MrCmurder

    Have map will travel.........unfortunately

    Thank you pillz, your wisdom is infinite, and i am but a peon to your knowledge. May they write poems and stories of your bravery and masculinity.
  5. MrCmurder

    Have map will travel.........unfortunately

    Thanks a lot for the helpful posts, I appreciate it. I did eventually find out where I was. I ended up in a train station at the very top of the map. I wasn't asking for the game to be changed, all I wanted to know is if there was something that told u where you were on the map, that's all. I've only been playing for about 6 or so hours so I understand that I have a lot to learn. Thanks again.
  6. MrCmurder

    Have map will travel.........unfortunately

    lol, I didn't realize 1 word could draw so much hurt. I'm sorry.
  7. MrCmurder

    New computer finally!!

    So, last time I was here was in January 2013, wow time flew lol. So since then Ive been wanting to play this game like crazy but my last computer just wasn't able to handle it. So as of 2 days ago I got me a "gaming computer" and I got to say it is running the game beautifully!! I haven't done much in game besides find a few rotten kiwis and oranges and getting killed by monkey wrench wielding weirdos, but I got to tell ya, I have been having a blast none the less. So with that said I was just wondering if there are any people that would like to team up and run around since I got the whole day and most tonight to myself since the gf is working and I got the day off. Also I was wondering what is the best program or most common program to download for voice communication within the community?
  8. MrCmurder

    1st day

    So I have been watching FrankieonPC videos on youtube for awhile now and today I finally decided to try this game out. The videos on youtube have me wicked excited to play! Well with that said wish me luck, I'm going in!! lol
  9. MrCmurder

    1st day

    So, after the remapping of the keys and the changing of some things on the computer, I am still not able to play do to the massive amount of what Im thinking is lag. The computer is no where near what one would consider a gaming computer but it has done ok with other games Ive played on it like Diablo3, City of Heroes, all the Command and Conquer et,c so I didnt think this one would be a problem, but apparently this game is a huge strain on my computer lol. Anyway only thing left is for me to find a gaming computer and comeback and get this game again. So I'll be watching Frankie's videos and any other ones on youtube I can find to get my fix til I can finally get a better computer and play!
  10. MrCmurder

    1st day

    This is a great help thank you! But I know nothing about computers just turning them on and playing games but nothing more LOL gonna take me awhile to figure this all out but I really appreciate the help! Thank You.
  11. MrCmurder

    1st day

    Well sadly I think im at a the conclusion that my computer cant run the game. Everything is soooo laggy and doesnt respond well to my mouse so I was only able to play for about 10 mins before I just couldnt play it any longer. I am devastated!!
  12. MrCmurder

    1st day

    Lol no havent started it yet just updating everything should be in game in about 10 mins or so. Anyone one got advice for a super noob like myself? Staying low definitely sounds like the game plan right off the start lol