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Everything posted by Noszombie

  1. Noszombie

    Campfire damage

    http://i3.ytimg.com/...U/mqdefault.jpg I agree. Although i don't see it as too important but still would be pretty good.
  2. Noszombie

    Rifle/shotgun & pistol holsters.

    ^I didn't say it would stop KoS. I suggested that it had a possibility of lessening it if it slows the normal animation without it. Also people can kill you anyway while they pretend to be friendly. Also maybe if you have it in a sling maybe you can run faster so it would have another benefit.
  3. Noszombie

    I wish I spawned with a...

    I wish i could spawn with a jet-pack.
  4. Noszombie

    Rifle/shotgun & pistol holsters.

    Sounds like a good idea and may also add some co-operation and less Kos.(until everyone gets some anyway)
  5. Noszombie


    ^I think that version would be better. Although in my opinion some of the times may need to be adjusted if it ever got implemented.
  6. Noszombie

    DayZ Watch List; Yes or No?

    I thought he just meant a list for the private server? Although i have been wrong before....
  7. Noszombie

    DayZ Watch List; Yes or No?

    Sounds interesting. I think it would be pretty good if done right and if you are selective about who is allowed to add people to that list.
  8. Noszombie

    SVD Camouflage vs M40A3 Camouflage.

    I prefer the SVD but wouldn't mind either if i find it.
  9. Noszombie

    Hot air balloons! (New transport)

    I would enjoy having a hot air balloon. Although i myself probably would be too scared to use it much but i think it is a very nice idea.
  10. Noszombie

    CZ75 automatic (handgun)

    I think this would be a good weapon to add. Or at the very least a different variant.
  11. Noszombie

    Throwing stuff (bricks,bottles,etc)

    Sounds like a good idea to me. Pretty simple yet can create a fair bit of fun while still being realistic.
  12. Noszombie

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    ^Sounds like your refering to Final Fantasy 7 and if you have leveled up loads then the only thing that could possible 1 hit kill you is the 'weapons' which are not the last boss. Although i agree that it has lots of grinding.
  13. Noszombie

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    He also said that someone else reported him after watching the video.
  14. Noszombie

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    I'm not choosing a side and excuse me if i'm wrong but didn't he say at one point that they had BattleEye disabled?
  15. Noszombie

    Zombie animals

    ^ zambie GODTM
  16. Noszombie


    I was pretty sure they had confirmed that disease will be part of the standalone and im pretty sure its in the mod. Edit: Bigmike already posted.
  17. Noszombie


    Is this a suggestion for the mod?
  18. Noszombie

    Niko Bellic easter egg

    While we are going on about eater eggs that i doubt will be entered into the game; how about a dark souls Easter egg. Praise the sun gesture(but maybe only for select individuals or you have to do something).
  19. Noszombie

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    What about you have it basically as you initially suggested but with a group of people set to hunting other players. (Maybe the hunters could be admins as they are going to find people more often so they will also find more hackers?)
  20. Noszombie

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    ^It has been posted numerous times that they shall release an alpha. "Minecraft style release" :)
  21. Noszombie

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    What happens if someones computer freezes and it disconnects them or something. In my opinion it should only be if they have disconnected for a set time frame or a set amount of times. On a side note the whole thing sounds pretty interesting if you can get enough people for it. :)