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Everything posted by isoterik

  1. remove them and put them back later when they are more usefull like: stopping zeds. when you run into them there might be a chance that they hurt you/cause bleeding but if you approach them slow there is only a little chance that you will be hurt or so
  2. isoterik

    Pending Update: Build

    how about an auto save function everytime you put/take something in/out a tent or vehicle it saves automaticle after useage so noone can duplicate gear with it!
  3. isoterik

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    great idea. the devs should do this with the next patch. a complete reset. other games do this aswell in their alpha/beta stage. best example is diablo 3. they did it alot in the beta phase.
  4. isoterik

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    you are wrong, it was the m107 tws http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78686-as50-tws-save-to-hive/page__st__60#entry752275
  5. isoterik

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    and whats up with the m107 tws? its even in the dayz weapons.pbo....
  6. isoterik

    Server help needed.

    look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?121438-How-to-secure-Your-server-Read-here! and use this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/71904-new-major-battleye-anti-cheat-features/page__st__20#entry687939 you can also find those files where you get your other stuff from the dayz staff.
  7. could be this #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int i got kicked also with #55 as i was in the huey, but i got killed in there and after my death i got kicked :) forgot to mention, the huey disappeared after that :S
  8. the problem is, some of my clanm8s got that in our log to, and i know for sure they are not cheating! and remember, some cheaters run scripts on ppl who never know it and they get logt because of that. but what would be great to get a bit more sure on who is cheating, is when the server admins can see in their logs who shot who! atm there is nothing to track that down. *edit* the commands in the logs are about the view direction and placing something on the ground. btw every cheater i encountered, never was logged and so are the most. dont ban ppl when you are not 100% sure. i know they are a pain in the ass but false alarm is oftern there instead of a lucky catch ,) *edit2* a teleport script dont look like that ;) and i dunno which scripts.txt you use. in the one we use, there is for thoses strings only a 1 infront. that means only log an no further actions.
  9. isoterik

    Hacker found in server logs

    thats not a cheater. every thing is fine. _item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1]; is when you take something and move it into your gear. and the rest is normal too. nothing to worry about. use that till something is better is out there for your scripts.txt http://dayzmod.com/f...ript-detection/ much cleaner script.log ;)
  10. with cords. but got attackt shortly later by a hacker, killed my buddy and me and damaged EVERY vehicle on the server :( and a few of us got kicked by BE in that event -_-
  11. isoterik

    Pending Update: Build

    will there be any option to reload the two m240? or must we wait for a server restart?
  12. since march battleeye has the script detection feature which is fully customizable http://forums.bistud...-server-admins. i was searching for a scripts.txt for dayz servers and it took some time to find one after nearly every google search found was about scripts to cheat in dayz. so as i was looking in the scripts.txt there were some good things in it but as i can say from my playtime, i made encounters with cheaters who gave them weapons and stuff which are not part of dayz. so i extended this scripts.txt with EVERY weapon/ammunition and vehicles (land,air,sea). maybe a bit overkill but who knows... you just have to put it into in your BE working directory (in the game's application data / profiles / BEpath folder, not the install folder - where bans.txt is placed as well). *EDIT* everything you need is here: http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/#git%2Ffilters http://dayzmod.com/f...cheat-features/ you can also find those files as a hoster of a server where you get your other stuff from the dayz staff
  13. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    the smart ones use bypass, someone released just yesterday a "privat bypass" but i think that will get detected soon...
  14. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    the 1st code quote: ["PG7V"] is ammunition for the RPG7V. i never saw one in dayz so far only the M136. the 2nd code quote: nothing to care about the 3rd code quote: when you press ingame SHIFT+P you get kicked and that comes to the logs the 4th code quote: when you press G to view your inventory that is written into the logs and the 3 other strings are normal too. im testing currently my new scripts.txt and such entrys execpt the ammo and the SHIFT+P kick entry are history then, much better to look at the logs ;)
  15. isoterik

    logs not updating...

    you have to add: //new in the scripts.txt. but beaware it can cause problems using the old scripts.txt without using the new format/commands for the strings
  16. thats my i uploaded here, but took it down till i edit it correct to the new version, but atm i got server performance issues when using it after i had converted it. dunno why, have to figure out from what its caused by. and when in a string a " is used, and you want that its recognize correct you must also use \"
  17. you have to search by your own for common scripts, but as jskibo has said smart ones use a bypass and you will see nothing. but with the new feature of BE you can modified the scripts.txt that only CERTAIN things will occure in the logs, and such things like you have posted will not be logged. im currently working on the scripts.txt i had uploaded here and make it ready to get working with the new feature.
  18. thats nothing you have to care about it. that get logged since one of the last updates of BE and occured when one player connected / respawned
  19. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    its like cat and mouse, and what i can say about $able from BE, he does a lot for us, but you will never get a 100% safe game, nothing is 100% safe, you can only try to keep up with the "bad guys" and try to prevent as much as you can. and the thing with the scripts.txt is, you cant made one only for ArmA. ArmA has so many different mods and gametypes. everything uses other stuff, so it can be complicated to use an one for all solution. you have the tools given from BE to us, you just have to learn how to use them right and try to get the best out of them! bitching dont bring you nor us forward.
  20. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    tested and nothing happen, shooting the driver out or get the vehicle to explode. nothing happens. as Kabs said, better be 100% sure then just maybe ;) feedback is always welcome. i test the stuff im doing before uploading it here, when i got no problems due the testing its good to go.
  21. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    i will test the helo thing when i got more time, im out now for some days again. and the cirumvent thing: everything in the scripts.txt gets only detected when the "cheater/s" is/are not smart enough to use an undetected bypass, and bypass stuff can only be detected from BE itselfe when its known. the most scripts use the same commands even when they arent equal in the code they must use for specific things the same commands, so it doesnt make sense to hide what you have in your scripts.txt. but i think not to exchange the knowledge is the wrong way, cause the ones who make their scripts do so!
  22. like Vaquxine said, that is normal stuff going on, if you want to know how those common cheat scripts look and work, you have so search for them by your own in the known places. the tricky part is the "smart" cheaters who rename their scripts sqf but when you check your logs often, you get used to it what is normal and what is not. an easy way to learn it a bit is to play on your server with less ppl and "live watch" the logs to see the direct feedback in there of what you have done in game.
  23. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    after i have read your post and the one you have made later about that if ppl get killed in a vehicle they would get kicked. so after i have tested exact that case with my buddy and he nor me got kicked! so i think there is something wrong what you have in your "own" scripts.txt.
  24. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    thanks for the feedback i will take a look at it.
  25. isoterik

    BattleEye Script Detection

    np, but as i said before, there is still much to improve! and when the battleeye scripts.log update is out (dunno when) it will be easier to look at the logs because now it logs many other things ;( what i am planing to add is, when ppl give them selfe directly stuff, but as i am not 100% sure that it works like i want it, i will not add it till it works.