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About Spentmind

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Australia, Queensland.
  1. Yeah.... nah, you should've killed them.
  2. That would have to be the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.
  3. Spentmind

    Standalone houses

  4. Spentmind

    Is the term "bandit" losing meaning?

    I beg to differ, you see there are a billion other "very thoughtful threads" explaining the not-so-subtle distinction between "true bandits" and people who just want to pull a trigger. It's always the same shit.
  5. Spentmind

    The story of becoming a bandit

    Good job, sir.
  6. Spentmind

    Is the term "bandit" losing meaning?

    The same old thread, people bitchin' about KoS, calling them CoD Kiddies, blah blah blah
  7. Spentmind

    hokay so i just had an idea

    It is ridiculous, because it still means every player I meet is going to be in a vehicle..well come across, since I don't really meet them. They meet my bullets, I meet their loot. POINT IS, No. no I do not want the whole server driving around in cars and helicopters and boats and bikes and whatever else.
  8. Spentmind

    hokay so i just had an idea

    Why the hell would I want to play in a server that has 500+ Vehicles.
  9. Spentmind

    is dayz 100% PvP on the long term?

    I wonder how many more threads I'll see like this before the SA comes out.
  10. Yes Sorry, took too long to come back to this tab and like 3 people replied before me, my apologies.
  11. It gets to a point where you don't need a map to know wher you are. Further more it's a f**king paper map, it's not going to have a big blue dot showing you where you are, and it shouldn't, even in regular. So negatory on the blue dots.
  12. Spentmind

    [TOOL] Traveler's Guide/Language Dictionary

    I don't need to read signs to know where I am anymore, it just gets to a point where you know a town just by seeing a few key buildings, or knowing the area. But I guess it would be good for new players.
  13. Spentmind

    What Were Your First DayZ Moments Like?

    Death, just death.