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Zudren (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Zudren (DayZ)

  1. Heres what happened. Join the server after intel from my friend says that he found their camp. We jump in there and stole all their shit. We got all their stuff out and decided we were going to blow up the vehicles. I didnt go back on this mission because it was too risky for two guys. So I dcd outside of the camp and watched his screen (were in the same room). He loaded back in with like 6 grenades and started blowing their cars up. He was killed almost immediately but we still had their stuff so they banned us for "combat dodging" but it cant be a combat dodge if he got killed. They also mention on their forums about using the logs to figure out who was there. They think there was one of us on multiple names but they have banned us from ts and server. ADMIN ABUSE Video of him attempting to blow up the cars and getting shot. THEIR FORUMS http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10009&pid=86145&st=40entry86145 no one was dodging. we just had several people running around the camp to get all their gear before they got back.
  2. I did try to contact them they wont respond
  3. no... there was combat between two people and i was on the other side of the camps. One guy was throwing grenades and the other guy was killing him. I was not near them or under fire.
  4. no i dcd when i saw the guy he never saw me. There was my buddy there blowing up the clans cars.
  5. Zudren (DayZ)

    TX4 Hackers (Names and Evidence Included)

    On my home server i have a barret 50 cal and nvgs and bandages... does that make me a hacker?
  6. No I'm not asking them to be dealt with for having grenades. I am because I raided their camp and got banned for it. Then they openly say they hunted me down over logs...
  7. Zudren (DayZ)

    TX4 Hackers (Names and Evidence Included)

    Mk 48 Mod 0's are in the mod thats not a hack. Why are we always reporting people for stuff that havent seen before. Go look at the loot sheet for this mod the MK 48 is listed
  8. I just went to their forums again and their is a clan post about how they used admin logs to compare names of who had been on and joined to ban me for something i didnt do.
  9. Found a chopper for the second time. Once again fuel leak. I've been told that I need to use fuel tank parts but can I get a confirmation of this Ive never been able to use them on the chopper. Also is the fuel leak fixable or am I still fuxed cause rocket hates patching fun stuff. BUMPITY
  10. Zudren (DayZ)

    Helicopter Found but repairs?

    Idk ive heard several things. Use scrap to fix leaks or a fuel tank but ive never been able to use the tank
  11. Zudren (DayZ)

    Helicopter Found but repairs?

    Cant use full tank. no joke
  12. Zudren (DayZ)

    Helicopter Found but repairs?

    How do i use a damn fuel tank
  13. Zudren (DayZ)

    Helicopter Found but repairs?

    any information out there guys?