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About gorkounov

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  1. gorkounov

    Graphical Glitches FTW!

    Not much purpose. Just a story.
  2. No, I'm not raging. It's quite a halarious story actually. So, this past month me and my buddies been playing. We hear about these helicopters coming back. YAY! Patch comes out and oh boy what do you know. A HELICOPTER. We get our shit and fix it up. We fly it. We feel free. We feel organised. Our group now has air transportation and close air support advantages. Also could be easier to trade with our allies. I'm an experienced pilot as I've been playing ArmA for years. Plus my TrackIR Head tracker is super useful. SO... here's the cherry. We fly along the coast. We see Chernogorsk. Now you know how this patch lately has been having these graphic glitches? Well, im flying like 200-250km/h and BOOM full fucking screen turns to frosted flakes cereal as the graphic glitch plagues my screen. 5 seconds later we collide into the International hotel. We loaded up good supplies in there and 2 of us has ghillie suits and we all had good guns. I'm upset, but looking back into it, it seems halarious :D It's an Alpha though... We got to expect these things. I hope we get another one sometime :(
  3. gorkounov


    I wish you luck on your endeavor. A problem I see with this is bandits. Though if this gets big then I assume you'll have a military force protecting the bank(s).
  4. gorkounov

    Lasting Appeal?

    Thus made for testing' date=' suggestions, and discussions. Not for assuming that it will be fixed, there's a point to the form dim wit. This is a discussion on lasting appeal. Join in or sit there with your thumb up your ass saying it's alpha either works fine for you I suppose. [/quote'] Well, Rocket said he might be adding features such as Radios and some sort of Electricity system (PC Gamer interview). When people say "It's an Alpha" i think they mean that this game isn't close to being finished as he's still adding new features/goals.
  5. gorkounov

    Diplomacy attempts?

    Yeah, to be more specific, me and my family is Russian and living in Canada. :P
  6. Anyone ever had any successful trades?
  7. 1. Because travelling in groups exist, your suggestion wouldn't really work as simply being with a friend will make zombies not spawn anymore. 2. Really? That's your reason.
  8. gorkounov

    Give Tents/Vehicles Inventory Space Counters

    Jerry cans take up 3 slots, M240 Belts take 2. Different items have different sizes and not practical. Yes, it's easy to add and subtract and would probably take 10-20 seconds (depending on the variety) to think about but if we had a counter it would only be a less then a second job.
  9. gorkounov

    More Car Spawns(Hear me out)

    They respawn if inactive, bugged etc. If they are in constant use then they won't despawn.
  10. gorkounov

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Logout Timer for the people who tried to dc in battle. 10-15 seconds. (They have to stay still for 10-15 seconds then it disconnects) If someone is bleeding then character dies. That's basically all we need.
  11. gorkounov

    DayZ Stories

    For 1 week now me and my 2 friends have been exploring Chernarus by foot. We went from Cherno to Berezino to NWA etc. A new friend of ours starts playing and on his first life finds a car thats fully working and has full gear. We were shocked. Not only that, after driving around we find a pickup. We now have 2 vehicles and we're hoping to find a helicopter soon.
  12. gorkounov

    Cant get into server - errors with keys?

    Make sure your ArmA game is patched from 1.50 to 1.60 My friend had this problem and that's how she fixed it.
  13. gorkounov

    Spawning unconscious

    My friend is getting this bug currently as well. We hiked for an hour or so no gunshot only quiet looting and he spawns unconscious. I hope it disappears like it did for andwii.
  14. gorkounov

    Playing My Character On A Friends Computer?

    I believe it should work. The characters are saved for each CDKEY so idk there could be a issue if it's the same computer though I think Steam changes the CDKEY if your using YOUR account.
  15. gorkounov

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I don't know if it's probably just me but here and there I get a few crashes (only happened twice) where the game would freeze and just crash to desktop. I hope I don't get banned on accident... :/