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Everything posted by murff

  1. murff

    DayZ Mod Update

    Still a lot of servers I am unable to get into because they are no on this latets version yet. Dayz Commander automatically put me on this latets version. Hope the servers get done soon. The pre-req listed in the first post, mission files, etc, that is for servers and not player side right/.
  2. murff

    Moving OS to an SSD

    How funny, I just did this same thing opver the weekend. I am using a 60GB SSD, I know now I should have gotten a bigger one. IN any case, since it is smaller I cannot put all teh arma2 and arma oa on the ssd drive. If i were to just put the mod folder on the SSD to speed up dayz, is there somewhere I have to redirect the program to look for the mod folder in its new location? (And yes ahci worked great for me, did nto work for my existing 1TB hdd with one partition still on win 7 32 bit (need ti for work) but the ms fix for ide/ahci fixed it right up, now they are both ahci and I can boot from either one.)
  3. murff

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    For anyone else that is still doubtful of the realism of the 'lighting' in those screen shots. Save the image of the sprawling field SS to your computer. Go to google images and upload that pic, watch what google returns. Great job rocket, thank you to you and your team!!
  4. murff

    cannot join properly

    Hmm that is odd of the commander is telling you the ping is low. Do you have Dayzcommander set to close when you join a server? maybe that will help. Otherwise, I am not sure. Odd that commander would say the ping is low and then ya cant join because ping is too high, does it ever tell you its ping when it kicks you?
  5. If you are willing to pay 15 Us dollars for WarZ why not spend 3 more us dollars and get arma2 and arma CO? A couple weeks ago, I was able to find it on sale for 17.97 us dollars at gamersgate.com I am sure it will go on sale again sometime in the near future.
  6. murff


    My screen kind of looks like this, except not night vision and the hourglass is completely empty. Note: just had another heli crash and now another friend is in same boat as me, empty hourglass and we cannot move or hit any keys.
  7. murff


    Having this issue now. Hourglass is empty now (took about 2 min to go down) But i am still unable to move, hit esc, hit 'p' can't do anything, seeing my friends run past me. Any ideas?
  8. After trying this a few times I finally get into a server and am able to make it about 35 min without dying. Sucky part, lunch break is over and I have to get back to work. What?? there is no option to abort.?? So a few questions: 1) While in game is it possible to leave the game while saving your location and the loot you have acquired? (I saved server as a fav so I could go back into it this evening, I assumed location and loot would not go from server to server.) 2) the abbreviations listed on the server, not sure what they stand for CH: ON 3DP: ON CH ON ? Nevermind figured that out :) Guess only one question then, thanks :) (SIde note: The talk I heard was right this is SO much better than the 'other' game I have been playing, I love how interactive everything is here, I was able to gut a chicken, and the kind game, did not allow me to get salmonella by not letting me eat it raw. )
  9. I have gotten this message a few times from Battle Client on a few different servers. Then it kicks me. How do I make that stop?
  10. Ok, but i dont have dayz on steam. If i get something like that ill uninstall battle eye and reinstall from that link, thanks.
  11. Ahh ok, I will look for the number next time. I did see a few ppl get kicked for script restr. #45
  12. murff

    Should I wait to break my DayZ virginity

    Agreed, you will die, a lot. But it's still very entertaining :)
  13. murff

    Should I wait to break my DayZ virginity

    I'm in the same boat as you VB. I wanted to check out DayZ after getting tired of the other. I was able to get arma2 and arma OA for 17 bucks at gamersgate.com I gotta tell ya, this mod is awesome, it's so much more fun. I cannot wait for the standalone.
  14. Ok thanks! Hopefully when I jump back I won't get attacked immediately LOL Is there a way to tell if a server is part of the main hive?
  15. Is there a way to know by looking at dayz commander which ones are connected to the main hive? Locations stays the same correct? Float through doors, lovely. I run from zombies and they don't stop coming after me LOL, had to whack 'em LOL
  16. Ahh maybe that was it, i think I had just whacked a zombie with my Ax. Ok so gear stays on that server only, (I have a spool of barb wire fencing I am lugging around) As for location is that saved as well, or only on that server? Oh, zombies cannot open doors correct? and is it worth it to search every single zombie I kill?
  17. Ok, so I jumped into a server on the advice of Sula (thanks :-P) Had a gun, started walking, all of a sudden got swarmed by zed's. Could not fire gun (guess you don't start with bullets?) Anyways it said i was dead, showed a list with other people in, I tried to respawn, and all that happened was the user list and me dieing, over and over, the list eventually showed I had died 6 times. Any advice/help would b appreciated.
  18. Just got that advice from daryll, since i have never used the arma 2 engine I am going to do that. thanks :) from within arma2 or arma 2 OA?
  19. Hmm ok, will try all that, thanks. I did not want to bunny hop, just was trying to run away from the zed's and could not get on the hood of a car lol 'v' did not do it for me lol
  20. So the bullets do not come with a the gun? also there is no 'jump' key? just a vault?
  21. Ok, i was actually able to do that now, same thing happend,. the second I spawn in, I am swamped by Zed's and die, and gun still will not shoot.
  22. The links on the first post of this thread are dead. I am unable to access the download tool or the dayz mod files.
  23. murff

    Purchase help

    If i purchase the retail version of Arma 2: Combined Ops, instead of buying it through Steam, can I then add it to steam, or will it have to stay as retail only? (found it cheaper at gamersgate $17.97, than the 29.99 on steam.) TIA
  24. murff

    Purchase help

    not sure what you mean? beta patch vs game patch? i will manually update the game once i install it, but for the mod I was going to follow this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1808-guide-installation-guide-steam-retail-mixed-beta-common-errors/
  25. murff

    Purchase help

    ahh ok I may do that as other friends are playing it through steam (i'm just a cheapskate lol)