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Everything posted by -KC-ReKzey

  1. Killer Clowns Are you sick and tired of working hard getting good loot then dying ? Well you have come to the right place HAHA. Our active admins and whitelist server help you through the hard times. Our Server is ran by public Vilayer so you can gear up safe on our server and then if you want you can go from our server to another ]Server Which is ran by Vilayer and you will still have your loot. ]But when i say safe that only refers to the hackers, our server will have active bandits who will try to kill you but (WE) killer clowns will not kill you Unless you dont what we say So what do you say wanna come play with us in this hacker free environment . 1st. Go on to DayZ commander. 2nd. Go on to favorites Copy and Paste the ip which will be provied below. 3rd. Now Double Click the Killer Clown's Server and there you go. For further information, please visit our home site for recruitment and approval. Visit: http://<span style=.....enjin.com/home PS: if you are pissed about the topic looking like it was made by a 10-year old, blame it on me.. I had no idea how to set it up properly Our Clan Team Speak Is Currently Down So We Are Using this one look for our channel Channel:KillerClownsGamingComunityTempChannel lPassword:kcclan TS3:voice.teamspeak.com
  2. Killer Clowns Yes we are a bandit clan but we do also have a survivor group if you are interested. if you are here to rage about it.. GET OUT! We recently decided to start recruiting again since the standalone isn't far away from release. Dayz is of course our favorite game but we also have a whole variety of other games that we play. For further information, please visit our home site for recruitment and approval. Visit: http://killerclowns.enjin.com/home PS: if you are pissed about the topic looking like it was made by a 10-year old, blame it on me.. I had no idea how to set it up properly Also If you want to chill in our guest lobby you are always welcome... TS3: killerclowns.darkstarvoice.com:10251