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About BikeMan

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    On the Coast

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  1. Thanks SmashT! Missed this thread somehow.
  2. BikeMan

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    Don't let them get you down man. Most scripters are just folks pretending they aren't deeply unhappy with their own lives. Much like forum trolls!
  3. BikeMan

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    I love that documentary.
  4. BikeMan

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    From a gameplay standpoint I was really panicking that I couldn't find food and that I may have had to resort to eating a zombie or another survivor. Sure I was being silly in the video, but only after I realized I could kill and cook any one of the hundreds of easily available cows, pigs, sheeps and whatnots that were running around everywhere. My sense of despair was deflated fairly quickly. So it makes sense to me, in keeping with the theme and mood of the mod in general (scarcity of supply), severely toning down or doing away with the animals, presents a thrilling balance of moral choice when it comes to hunger. And to be clear, matches and knives are high rate spawns, so it's not a difficult thing to kill an animal in this mod.
  5. Recently I had the pleasure of trying DayZ 2017 which of course features the ability to dine on your fellow man. And man is a wily beast, one must first gain his trust, lest the prey become alarmed.
  6. BikeMan

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    Loving the Mod! Just one suggestion, get rid of all the animals or make them incredibly rare. Make it REAL desperate and desolate for food that way, Also got some clips of eating hapless victims! Lurk the DayZ Cannibal may be an acquired taste, luckily, YOU aren't.