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Everything posted by thomassaxby@hotmail.com

  1. Greetings! In game Handle: Dizzy Location: uk GUID: 406e25325e3f4b587c1e04938c620b9f Teamed with Cragz and Aaronat0r.
  2. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Some strange pics on here lol
  3. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    M24 or DMR?

    M24 for suppression
  4. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    The Ability to Scavenge Parts From One Vehicle To Better Yours.

    I like! Stealing wheels to cripple a raiding party ;)
  5. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Make the czech pouch a SECONDARY backpack.

    Maybe make it a quick ammo pouch giving better reload times?
  6. thomassaxby@hotmail.com


    I'm liking the suggestion! Maybe just a trap wire in general, maybe it could be combined with grenades....smoke...or even empty cans for noise?
  7. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Making Bases? Ideas and Tools

    Moar bases! I think we would all be pi**ed when some griefer ruins your base
  8. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Group spawning, hear me out

    The main frustration for me was being put too close to other players and being spawn camped.
  9. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Advanced Radios

    Maybe scanners to enable players to spy?
  10. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    Lose the cabbage patch kids!
  11. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Cooldown timers on food/drink.

    Maybe after sleeping? Maybe players could get real fat.....damn bean hoarders >:(
  12. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Add Twinkies

    Love it! moooaaarrrr foood!
  13. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    US 1455 CHI Hacking out of control LOL!

    Shame mate. Real Shame ;)
  14. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Where will you take a dump in the Standalone?

    My pants when people shoot at me.
  15. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Experience and adapt

    I'm sorry but you cannot be serious
  16. thomassaxby@hotmail.com

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    That would be a good addition.