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Everything posted by Justitia

  1. Justitia

    Low FPS on 'Very High' Graphics

    Do you have other programs open? How cluttered is your hard drive?
  2. I'll help as an admin just because I abhor hackers and think they're inherently evil.
  3. Justitia

    Stalking the animal that is known as "Bandits"

    The first video was awesomely humorous - keep it up!
  4. Justitia

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Skill/perk system: NO, NO, NO. It ruins the aspect of all people being equal and only their equipment/knowledge/aim mattering- the essence of DayZ with scavenging hunting/survival...almost desperate. No unfair skills that rise you for time invested into DayZ. What's next - unlockable weapons? NO! With any legitimate game, you learn the techniques, immediately available, and practice to use them well, not earn the right to USE them with forced mechanics, typically there to only captivate users' time or offer 'advantages' for loyalty/play-time. DayZ is not an RPG, in my opinion, and certain skills for DayZ can be considered 'skills' (e.g. flying well, navigation, direction with stars/sun/moon, ideal spots for looting, sneaking), albeit not reaffirmed with a nice message or cute skill tree, even offering these /automatically/ as you 'progressed'. The way players are differentiated is their teamwork, knowledge, and equipment - very subtle to observe directly but evidently significantly. This is the essence of a true game opposed to contrived advantages: a framework to improve these three facets and a fair playing field.
  5. Justitia

    dayz still wont work! :( (pictures)

    What versions do you have? Did you change any files recently?
  6. I camp inside wooded areas which have a nice situation between areas to collect supplies.
  7. Justitia

    Where do you find ghillies?

    Crawl into a bush and you've now BECOME a ghillie outfit.
  8. Justitia

    Advice on thermal paste!!!!

    I advise cooking the thermal pasta for only 2 minutes on a stove, considering it's already designed to be heated naturally, and adding a pinch of salt. Afterwards, a little soy sauce will introduce the flavor needed and it's then all-ready to eat. Consider inserting rice into the mixture as texture, by the way! -thumb up-
  9. With a name containing 'Herpy Derpy', I am not at all surprised.
  10. Justitia

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    Be honest here and straight: Did you download any scripts to enhance your DayZ experience?
  11. Justitia

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Send them my love.
  12. Many people ask who we are- then when they know who we are, why are we who we are. Agenda is a rationale for an agent who we are not. We are not only the imagination as obscurity suggests, or a cluster of dust among dunes, we are masterminds of one's creative perception: snakes of the mind. Octopi twists your mind with many arms and masquerader as many in our countless forms, bemusing any coherence to identification with a carousal of colors. When you finally see our true colors, it's too late: You are Constrained, Stipulated to an Otherworldly Will- ours. Join Octopi to hunt, terrorize, and confuse as one of the many appendages to the ethereal body. We don't only kill, we torment. Send this form, presented here as the individual to conveying this message, a private message if interested.
  13. Is it only me who yells, 'HOSTILE, HOSTILE'??!?!?!
  14. Many people enjoy to hunt - why not enhance this with another survival skill: plant identification. There would be three categories: 1 - Poisonous. Effects range from infection to instant death... 2 - Edible. 3 - Non-edible. Certain plants can be heated to move from one or the other. As for identification, this will depend on size and colors, with acute eyesight needed on minor details to tell certain poisonous plants from edible plants at times. I think it'll add another survival element, ideal for people who mainly remain outside of towns, and be a challenge with identification (knowledge needed via testing or helpful guides).
  15. Justitia

    Botany; Plant Collecting & Analysis.

    I agree, but would it be worth it and contribute enough?
  16. Justitia

    Buying new PC, need help!

    GTX 660 would be good, mhmm, and it's pretty much the ideal standard for all current games.