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About anorexy

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  1. But we have nice hats (f^#$ng tf2) !
  2. anorexy

    Where are all the devblogs?

    16:27 pm, so .... it's not only one country in the world
  3. anorexy

    Dayz unplayable for me, worth trying SA?

    Try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkdp07a9Doc
  4. I already spend my "dayz money" on other stuff, fuck rocket :)
  5. why when I read rocket posts i'm doing it with a new zealand accent ?
  6. Game like "press X to win" really don't need to be alpha, this is shit till the end
  7. Geeeee ..... people ... it could be not a flockin blockin special unique shield .... why it just can't be a piece of metal in pile of garbage .... they just be there .. wait their epic moment) Help some poor man with diarrhea against evil mind of sniper/camper
  8. They can be used against snipers on a roof, to get closer to them with this shield, cover your friends while moving on the streets.... Make group action like "Get cover" and one man with the shield get all movement control... pretty interesting thing if think about it, but i againts shields :D
  9. But too many people think differently, i think cause the way he talk about it :D
  10. In SA you can't find guns so easy, and you can't get loot from crashes ... sa going to be hard, not like a counter strike where in every barn you have sniper rifle and stuff... You become a real scаvenger, the whole world wants to kill you, not just people and zombies ... And you know ... we wait too long .... few weeks without vehicles just nothing man)
  11. I don't think its important at all ... I never really use them, and have a really nice time with good old "search and destroy", so....
  12. who cares :D I just want to have a key .... my heart finally calm down
  13. I thought about it back in february.... what i have now? july .... no harlem shake ....... :(