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Everything posted by FlowBrah

  1. Everytime I join a server I get this error, I have uninstalled and reinstalled numerous time, in task manager it says the serveice is disabled.. no matter what I do I can't re-enable it any help or suggestions ?
  2. Please help, I am starting to get messed up by hackers, I have been inected with hacks once and now this. My friend was in kamenka and killed a gay, fully geared obvious hacker as he had a AS50 thermal. I set a marker at balota and ran there all well and good. Now I wanted to set one at stary, I go to set one and forgot to press shit and just left clicked I end up setting the marker and press esc to make my journey when suddenly I am at stary like wtf. Where ever I click on the map it teleports me this is getting so stupid, I fear a global ban from the what I guess could be called a infectable hack or something similar, please confirm I wont be banned as I am not using the hack, also if the server admin saw that it teleported me can they get me a global ban ?
  3. Ok cheers, just stupid shit like this is happening alot to me lately, I feel asthough i'm going to have to start recording for proof or something every game I join some bullshit happens
  4. I was playing dayz having some fun till a hacker teleported to me, and was trolling the shit out of me spawning birds and coloured gas. Then he said he would get me global banned and he gave me a hack which put names above peoples head. He said he infected me with hacks and I will get a global ban, is this true because i dont want to get banned for something I didn't do...
  5. Hello, I am coming here for support with my ARMA2OA.exe crashing while overclocked, it used to run fine and then randomly it kept crashing, i reinstalled windows and many various option and then restored to default clocks and it runs with no crashed but the fps is really low like 10-15fps in the citys where as with my overclock of 4.4GHz i was on about 40-50 in citys, please no that i had the cpu running like this for the last 6 month in overclock running it fine then this has only just started also it only crashed on arm2/dayz no other games crash. This is a stable oc i ran p95 for 8 or so hours and no crashes temps are fine with a H80i Cooler. Specs: Intel i7 3770k Gigabyte 7850 2GB 16GB Ripjaw RAM ASRock Extreme4 Motherboard Game running of a WD Black 2TB If you need anymore info and I can supply it i will. Cheers, Flow :) Pastebin of crash to windows... http://pastebin.com/hjYzxcBf
  6. Also it's only in citys, if i'm out in forests i get a good 70+......
  7. However the gpu does basically shit all in this game ....
  8. No I have not, I have heard HT can make games like this run slower but I don't see how as this game doesn't support hyperthreading, will i think :3
  9. I Put it on my ssd and i also have overclocked to 4.4GHz again and it isn't crashing, I think i had a bad cmos so i cleared re oc and it's fine :) But my fps are actually so incredibly low in the citys